Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

Rossmoor News
October 14, 2014
By Dave Kern

BALL League Season Underway

As Oak team captain Jan Peres exclaimed, "WE WON! FINAL SCORE 10 – 2". In their first match of the season, the Rossmoor Tennis Club's (RTC) women's Oak team of the Bay Area Ladies League (BALL) soundly whipped Harbor Bay of Alameda on September 21 at the Buckeye courts. Pauline Hanley and Shin Kim, playing as Team 1, started out a little slow, but soon found their groove and won in 2 sets 7-5 and 6-0. Playing on Team 2, Judy Corliss and Patty Richardson had a very close match with great points. They lost the first set, came back to win the second and then barely lost the third set in a 7 point tie-breaker. At the third position, Mary Ann Shields and Nelly Sawczuk played a very steady game and won easily 6-3, 6-3. Team 4, consisting of Mary Kay McClure and Eppie Ying had a very tough match with the score staying very close. They kept plugging away, and finally won the first set in a 7-point tiebreak and the second set 7-5. The next match is against Heather Farm on October 6.

The women's Buckeye team traveled to Orindawoods and played in the wind and fog, also their first match of the season, but unfortunately did not come out on top, losing 10-2. It was an unexpected loss since the Buckeyes have beaten Orindawoods in previous years. Cheryl Patterson and Barbara Schwartz lost 6-4, 6-2. Angie Dometrovich and Gay White lost 6-4, 7-5. Joyce Neibur and Joan Warner lost in 3 sets 6-4, 1-6 and 5-7. Loc Barnes and Carol Pillsbury lost in three sets 6-3, 5-7 and 6-10 in the third set tie-breaker. In spite of the loss, team captain Barbara Schwartz thought the team played very well. There will be a revenge match at home Nov. 10 and the team hopes to have a super cheering squad that day.

Linda Jarvis and Jerry Robinson Triumphant in Mixed Doubles

Twelve women and twelve men played in the annual Rossmoor Tennis Club (RTC) Mixed Doubles Tournament on September 27 at the Buckeye tennis courts. Doubles teams were paired by a random draw with each competitor playing with seven different partners. Each doubles match consisted of a four-game, no-add set. Each game won scored a point. The women's side was very close with only one point separating each of the first six places. New RTC member Linda Jarvis took first, closely followed by Judy Stillman and Judy Corliss at second and third, respectively. Jerry Robinson placed first on the men's side with Murray Veroff taking second and Mike Ying third. The tournament was organized and executed by Randy Kuhl, ably assisted by his wife Lil. Mike and Eppie Ying helped with cleanup.


 PU 2014-10-14 RN Pic 01 320The winners of the RTC's Annual Mixed Doubles Tournament are, from left, Murray Veroff, Judy Corliss, Linda Jarvis, Jerry Robinson, Judy Stillman, and Mike Ying.





 PU 2014-10-14 RN Pic 03 320The Oaks team that beat Harbor Bay are, from left, Patty Richardson, Judy Corliss, Nelly Sawczuk, Mary Ann Shields, Shin Kim, Pauline Hanley, Mary Kay McClure, team captain Jan Perez, and Eppie Ying.




 PU 2014-10-14 RN Pic 02 320The Buckeyes team that played Orindawoods are, front row, Loc Barnes, Gay White, and Joyce Niebur; back row, team captain Barbara Schwartz, Joan Warner, Angie Dometrovich, Carol Pillsbury and Cheryl Patterson.

Featured Events

16 Dec 2024
01:30PM - 03:00PM
Monthly RTC Board Meeting