Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Fri, Oct 18, 2024

Ball Machine Protocol


  1. You must be a member of Rossmoor Tennis Club,
  2. An additional fee is required.
  3. New Ball Machine Members are required to have a training on the operation of the Ball Machine with the RTC Facilities Manager prior to initial use.
  4. Use of the Ball Machine is exclusively for RTC Members who have paid the additional Ball Machine fee and have received proper instruction on its use.
  5. This eliminates use by non-paid RTC members, family members i.e., spouse, partner, grandchildren etc. or any other guests.
  6. The lockbox combo is NOT to be shared. If someone asks for it, please refer them to the RTC Facilities Manager who maintains an authorized list of users.
  7. Ball Machine is NOT to be used when any signs of dampness are on Court 2. Do not use any of the balls from the shed on damp court.
  8. Ball Machine hours are 9:00 am till dark.
  9. Tennis games take precedence until 11:00 am except for clinics.
  10. Ball Machine Users may wait list for the Ball Machine on Court 2 after 11:00 am.  Playing time is one hour.
  11. If Ball Machine fails to function properly, stop use immediately and report to the RTC Facilities Manager.

RTC Facilities Manager: Jerry Quinlan

650-400-4390 or

RTC Tournament of Champions ... the winners!

The Tennis Club Tournament of Champions brings the end to a great season of competition at Rossmoor, shortened a little because of Covid-19.

This is an invitation only event for anyone finishing in the top three scoring positions for any of the other tournaments during the year. Not surprisingly, the standard of play was very high with tight play and close results. Indeed, the overall results were all open going into the last round and all six top players could hardly have been closer.

2021 11 06 Champions Winners Small

Photo L to R: Dave Kern, Pauline Hanley, Yvonne Merrick, Bob Benz, Ken Steiner, Carol Pillsbury

On the mens' side there was a tie between Bob Benz and Ken Steiner for top honors, with Dave Kern one point off the pace.

The womens' competition was just as tight with Pauline Hanley taking first place, one point ahead of Yvonne Merrick, who was one point ahead of Carol Pillsbury in third.

Everyone had a great time. The event was hosted by Tournament Director Chris Slee who would like to thank all the volunteers who help run these events during the past year.

2021 11 06 Champions Players Small

We all look forward to a complete season in 2022.

Photo L to R: Dave Kern, Pauline Hanley, Yvonne Merrick, Bob Benz, Ken Steiner, Carol Pillsbury

Tennis Newcomers Win last Wild Card Tournament 

Tennis Newcomers Win last Wild Card Tournament 

Saturday saw the last Wild Card tournament of the 2021 Season. There was a full card with 12 men and 12 women including five newcomers out for their first tournament with the club.  Chris Slee, tournaments chair, was on hand to host the event.

On the womens' side, newcomer Mary Benin and Terry Quinlan took first place honors. Anna George and Delia Wilkes took second place jointly, while Joan Gardner had the third highest score.

Barry Brian, playing in his first Wild Card, overcame his opponents with topspin, side-spin and underspin, anything but a simple flat shot. Jerry Robinson and Rick Sterling came in second, while newcomer Greg Hanson had the third highest total. Congratulations to all the winners.

The upcoming 2021 Womens Doubles Tournament is planned for Sat October 16 at 9 am and the last opportunity to win an invitation to the November Tournament of Champions. Rossmoor Tennis Club members may sign up at the Buckeye Tennis Complex kiosk. Stuart Coffey and Ike Ichikawa are the hosts for this event.


Rossmoor Ladies Super Seniors Tennis Team Sweeps Fremont

Rossmoor Ladies Super Seniors Tennis Team Sweeps Fremont 

On a beautiful morning at 8 am Thursday Sept 30, 2021 the designated 8 team players assembled at the Gateway parking lot to carpool the distance to play against the Fremont Tennis Center Super Seniors team. Thank you to Yvonne Merrick, Terry Quinlan and Mary Jane Kiefer for driving and Linda Hague for navigating.  The team arrived in Fremont well ahead of the scheduled play time and were able to get a good warm up prior to match time.  

Match scores:

#1  Pam Mahoney/Yvonne Merrick won 6-3, 6-1

#2  Linda Hague/Mary Jane Kiefer won 6-2, 7-5

#3  Carol Pillsbury/Terry Quinlan won 6-2,6-2

#4  Jane Sankowitz/Elicha Gastelumendi won 6-1, 6-2

The Fremont ladies were very warm and friendly and a good time was had by all.  Thank you to the team members who arose early and who played so well.



ladies tennis

Open Tennis Returns


The Rossmoor Tennis Club is setting up a new format to make singles play more accessible to Rossmoor players who previously enjoyed the Tuesday and Thursday Open Tennis before the pandemic struck. It can also help players new to Rossmoor find partners who play at their level. All Rossmoor residents are welcome.

Starting Tuesday, Aug. 11, three courts will be reserved on Tuesday and Thursday between 10 a.m. and noon for Drop-in tennis. Court 4 will be designated for Less Aggressive players, Court 5 for Intermediate players and Court 7 for Advanced players. Players are encouraged to choose the court where they are well-matched with the other players on the court.

Play will still be singles only but with unlimited rotations under the new rotation rules. A player will enter the court ready to serve using their own personally marked balls. The player who just served will put their personal balls away and rotate to the receiver position. The person who just received will leave the court to wait outside the fence at the back of the line of players waiting to play. Players will use no-ad scoring to keep the rotation going quickly. Players waiting to rotate in must wear masks, keep 6 ft spacing and use only a personal seat.

If this new Drop-in play proves popular, additional courts will be reserved for it.

The Tennis Club is continuing to look for ways to make the singles game more enjoyable for all Rossmoorians. General information about the Rossmoor Tennis Club can be found at

RTC introduces a New Opportunity for Singles Play

State and County Health orders still allow only Singles play for tennis.  Despite this, the courts at Rossmoor are busy every morning with players enjoying a game.  Others come out later in the day for some extra practice and exercise. 

However not all players have the stamina for continuous play in a Singles game so the club has recently worked with GRF and agreed on a rule change to allow rotation of additional players.  This will give players longer breaks during the game.
A new player may rotate into the court as one of the other players rotates off after each game or several games. Only two people can be on the court at any time. One must be outside the court before the next player enters.

All other existing rules must be obeyed:  social distancing at all times, no shared equipment (personal chairs and separate tennis balls must be used).  Rotating players in does not increase the 60 minute time limit if others are waiting for a court.
The Rossmoor courts remain for RESIDENTS ONLY.  

The tennis club hopes this change will bring more players out to enjoy playing on our beautiful tennis courts. 

Eager Players Hit the Tennis Courts for Reopening

An excited group of tennis fans showed up at the Buckeye courts May 5 after a seven-week hiatus due to the coronavirus restrictions. Players are required to follow the United States Tennis Association (USTA) COVID-19 Guidelines, as well as Contra Costa County and Rossmoor rules. There is no seating available at the courts but players may bring personal chairs for their own use only. Face masks must be worn outside the courts. Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed on every court. Each player brings their own marked tennis balls and only their own balls are touched by hand. Social distancing rules must be observed at all times. Marian “Cinnamon” Renvall was part of the early crowd and expressed her thanks to the Rossmoor Tennis Club board, who merged and implemented all the rules, and to the players for following the new guidelines. The weather May 5 was perfect and everyone agreed it was great to be putting on tennis skirts and shorts, being outdoors, and having fun on the courts.  Pictured are Jerry Quinlan (left), Facilities Director and Dave Blanchard, President modelling best practices and proper social distancing. 2020 5 7RTCDaveJerry

Buckeyes Tie El Cerrito Club

On February 23 the BALL match between the Rossmoor Buckeyes and the El Cerrito Club
was as close as the scores indicate with both teams playing excellent tennis and battling hard.
It was a strange morning of tennis with several of the scores looking like mirror images of each
other and ending in a tie.
In Line one, Carol Pillsbury and Terry Quinlan battled valiantly but lost 4 - 6, 2 - 6. Line two
was very hard-fought and happily ended with Eileen Plotkin and Gery Yearout winning in the 10-
point tiebreaker after splitting sets. In Line three, Anna George and Dorothy Watkin had a huge
win which mirrored the scores in Line 1. They won 6 - 4, 6 - 2. In Line four, Nelly Sawczuk and
Joan Gardner lost in the 10-point tiebreaker after splitting sets 4 - 6, 7 - 5.
Team captain Barbara Blum and the team thank Barbara Schwartz for arranging the
refreshments and expressed appreciation for the strong play on both sides of the net.

2020 02 23 Buckeyes Small


Article Count:
SMIL Mens Team

 SMIL Mens Team

Senior Men's Interclub League is played between 7 Clubs with no standings recorded 
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Tennis Event News

RTC Logo 10 KB TransTennis Events

News Articles about each Tennis Event

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BALL Buckeyes

BALL Bay Area Ladies League Buckeyes

Article Count:

BALL Bay Area Ladies League Oaks

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