Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

State and County Health orders still allow only Singles play for tennis.  Despite this, the courts at Rossmoor are busy every morning with players enjoying a game.  Others come out later in the day for some extra practice and exercise. 

However not all players have the stamina for continuous play in a Singles game so the club has recently worked with GRF and agreed on a rule change to allow rotation of additional players.  This will give players longer breaks during the game.
A new player may rotate into the court as one of the other players rotates off after each game or several games. Only two people can be on the court at any time. One must be outside the court before the next player enters.

All other existing rules must be obeyed:  social distancing at all times, no shared equipment (personal chairs and separate tennis balls must be used).  Rotating players in does not increase the 60 minute time limit if others are waiting for a court.
The Rossmoor courts remain for RESIDENTS ONLY.  

The tennis club hopes this change will bring more players out to enjoy playing on our beautiful tennis courts.