Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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RTC History --- 2011 thru 2014

2011 History

This year saw the club going electronic—notification of members via e-mail.

Ralf Parton organized a trip to the SAP in San Jose and this was followed by the Valentine's Day Party.   This is a buffet with food supplied by the members--always great food!  There are pictures from this year of members getting the rain water off the courts and news of tournaments called due to rain.

The Spring Fling where Dave Kern introduced his coconuts had an international theme followed by the usual successful cast party.  But this was the dinner of the "broccoli' caper when the vegetable was left behind by the caterer.  The club came through during the delay in typical flexible fashion by telling jokes and singing and enjoying many laughs together.  The club copes in great style!  Carmelita was also introduced!

Members who served in the armed forces were honored  at the Memorial Day Tournament—again, thank you, Marcia Perry.

The Fall Cocktail Party was hosted by the Hydes and the Yings at Ye Olde English Club (Dollar Clubhouse) and Marcia Perry led another Halloween Tourney with wildly dressed participants.  Angie Dometrovich and Arthur White were awarded  the service awards at the holiday party.

New scoring posts arrived at the courts—the first of many.   Follow this story.

Thank you to Mel Smith for his years of being  our #1 BBQ chef!!  Superb job!  You set the bar high, Mel!

2012 History

Barbara Blum continued her gracious, efficient ways, and her knowledge to spearhead the improvements to the Buckeye Tennis Courts.  

We went Wild West at the Spring Fling which followed the Valentine Party which has become  a signature event for Loc & Fred BArnes.  Marcia Perry continued to organize the Memorial Day Tournament and there were many other celebrations at the courts such as the Odd Couples Tournament and Chop Suey run by Bob Hanson.  The club never slows down whether playing in Rossmoor or outside,   whether on the courts or off.

Ralf Parton organized us for the SAP Tournament in  February.  The Spring Fling was western.  The BALL team lost to Livermore but the men retaliated in their matches.

2013 History

The RTC mixed doubles 55-and-over 8.0 team had its first sweep of Orindawoods on Feb. 17.  The captains were Rob Ingalls and May Wong.  This followed the SAP Open Tennis tournament trip to HP Pavilion in San Jose for a Ladies Day viewing and luncheon.  This was organized by Barbara Anast .  Great seats and fun tennis!  The Men's Interclub  League team continued to roll.  

The Buckeye Improvement project was approved by the GRF Board on March 26.  The current committee was made up of Barbara Blum, chair, Dave Kern, Dave  Sperry, Dennis Caren and John Lee.  The project included the addition of 2 new courts, the widening of others and the installation of low fences where necessary, resurfacing of older courts, and the addition of a lovely social area with sink, gas BBQ, tables and chairs, and storage.  The completion date was noted as December.  Watch for this!  

The Memorial Day tournament honored Hal Rutledge and Joe Potozkin who served in the navy during WWII in the Pacific theater.  Other activities  were the Sneakers and Spikes gathering, New Members Welcome as well as the Spring Fling, and Holiday Party.

The RTC Women formed 2 Bay Area Ladies League teams with Jerry McConnell coaching the Oaks and Lee Griffith coaching the Buckeyes.

2014 History

Work continued on the Buckeye Courts and seven courts were ready for play by January.  

A beautiful new social area was a part of the complex which allows the club a wonderful new venue for the summer Saturday evening  barbecues and a perfect spot to entertain visiting clubs.  

The Spring Fling featured Rock and Roll and Mary Kay McClure, Dick Normington, and Peter Scully brought down the house with a memorable  bathtub skit to the music Splish, Splash by Bobby Darin.   

This was the 50th anniversary of Rossmoor so the club held  a tournament on  August 30.  and the winners were entitled to attend the luncheon  on September  19 in the Gateway Plaza. Attending were Margaret Logwood, Judy Corliss, Pauline Hanley, Sharon Kiley, Kerin Baker, Carol Pillsbury, Chris Christopher, Larry Fredricks, Rolf Kvalvik, Dave Kern, Mike Ying, and Rob Ingalls.  

Nancy and Jerry McConnell retired from chairing the barbecues after many years of service to the club in many roles.  

The men's 60-and-over Interclub League team was unbeaten after a year directed by Dennis Caren.  

The holiday party was chaired by Floyd and Gery Yearout with Joyce Niebur and Les Hoskyns receiving the service awards.  This was followed by the introduction of the 2015 board of directors:  Mark Patterson, Randy Kuhl, Barbara Schwartz, Bill Sederowitz, Barbara Phillips, Rolf Kvalvik, Loc Barnes, and Ron Wyman.