Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Fri, Oct 18, 2024


Information about administration of the Club

Team Tennis -- World Team

Forming Teams

This format requires 32 players, 16 men and 16 women

Seed the players in A, B, C and D groups for both men and women

Each of 8 teams will have 4 players, one A, one B, one C, one D. Do this by:

  • Create pairings of men and of women by picking a player
    • One from the A group and pairing them with a player from the D group
    • Another the B group and pairing them with a player from the C group
    • This results in 8 A-D pairings and 8 B-C pairings for both men and women
  • Create teams by:
    • Pick a random A-D mens pair and teaming them with a B-C pair from the women
    • Then randomly pair the remaining A-D women with a pair of B-C men
    • Now 8 teams will each have A-B-C-D players, two men, two women
    • Some will have with men as the A-D pair and some with women as the A-D pair
    • So each team is either A-man, B-woman, C-woman, D-man or A-woman, B-man, C-man, D-woman

Break the 8 teams into two groups ... the Jets and the Sharks!

Team Play Format

Play will be two round robin competitions, one for the Jets and one for the Sharks. The rounds will be:

  • Round 1    -- 1 vs 2    -- 3 vs 4
    Round 2    -- 1 vs 3    -- 2 vs 4
    Round 3    -- 2 vs 3    -- 1 vs 4

Playing each round:

  • Remember each team is either A-man, B-woman, C-woman, D-man or A-woman, B-man, C-man, D-woman
  • Each round has a same sex match -- i.e. men play men, women play women --
  • and a mixed doubles match where the A-B players are the upper team and the C-D players are the lower team. The upper pairings from each team play off against each other, as do the lower pairings.
  • Each match uses a four (4) game format just like the wild card, where every player serves and the Rossmoor sun rule is in effect. No ad scoring and men serve to men, women to women or receivers choice for same sex matches
  • The number of games each team wins determines a win, loss or draw
  • To sum up: there will be 8 games played in each round

Scoring the Rounds

  • Teams get 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw
    • record the number of games and winner, if any of the lower pairing in the Mixed Doubles
  • At the end of the rounds, teams are ranked based on the points they have gained
  • Breaking a tie:
    • The number of games each team wins
    • The results of the lower pairing in Mixed doubles
    • Toss a coin

The Playoffs for the Championship

There is one final round to determine the final placing for each team.

Champions    Jets 1st    Sharks 1st
3rd-4th    Jets 2nd    Sharks 2nd
5th-6th Jets 3rd    Sharks 3rd
7th-8th Jets 4th    Sharks 4th

Each the play format, points and tie breakers


This is a special Wild Card for the end of the season for those. It is invite only and the winners [Men, Women] get their names engraved on the club awards board.

Eligible Players

  • Invite all those who placed in a previous Wild Card, Mens or Womens Doubles and New Members Tournaments.
  • Select first place finishers, add 2nd, then add 3rd place players until there are enough players.
  • If more players are needed, select from the first team in the team tournaments [Memorial Day, Halloween]
  • Often people are away so this may result in a tournament with 16, 20 or 24 players

See the Wild Card Tournament Procedures

Ball Machine Rules

  1. You must be a member of Rossmoor Tennis Club
  2. An additional fee is required
  3. New Ball Machine Members are required to have a training on the operation of the Ball Machine with the RTC Facilities Manager prior to initial use
  4. Use of the Ball Machine is exclusively for RTC Members who have paid the additional Ball Machine fee and have received proper instruction on its use
  5. This eliminates use by non-paid RTC members, family members i.e., spouse, partner, grandchildren etc. or any other guests
  6. The lockbox combo is NOT to be shared. If someone asks for it, please refer them to the RTC Facilities Manager who maintains an authorized list of users
  7. Ball Machine is NOT to be used when any signs of dampness are on Court 2. Do not use any of the balls from the shed on damp court.
  8. Ball Machine hours are 9:00 am till dark
  9. Tennis games take precedence until 11:00 am
  10. Ball Machine Users may wait list for the Ball Machine on Court 2 after 11:00 am
  11. If Ball Machine fails to function properly, stop use immediately and report to the RTC Facilities Manager

Court Wait List Rules


  • Wait List:
    • Players wait list by signing in when no court is available
    • A minimum of two players are required to have signed in
    • An individual may wait list for the ball machine on court 2 AFTER 11:00 AM
    • A player may not be both on court and wait listed
  • Wait listed players can “bump” only if there is no empty court:
    • Players cannot choose which court to bump.
    • Wait list players must find the earliest entry on the register where the court is now available (playing time expired, etc.)
    • Waiting players will, without entering the court, notify the on-court players that their court time has expired
    • Bumped players will finish the current point (not the current game) and immediately relinquish the court

Court Usage Rules


  • All players, groups must sign in on the court register to have standing
    • Two or more players must be present and signed in to hold a court
    • Non-residents must be accompanied on court by a resident
  • Court use is on a first come, first served basis … except that
    • Club sanctioned events take precedence. This includes Tournaments, Clinics, Matches, Drop-in Tennis and other events
    • Team matches will leave two courts open for general play, giving priority to the practice courts one and two. See examples below
  • During Prime Time -- sun up to 11 a.m.
    • Playing members take precedence over an individual ball machine user
    • No more than two (2) non-residents are allowed on court with a resident if courts are full and residents are waiting
  • A court is properly occupied by:
    • Two players playing singles for one hour
    • Three or more players for one hour and thirty minutes
    • An individual using the court two ball machine for one hour after 11:00 AM
    • Court time is based on the sign-in time
  • A court is considered available if:
    • The court is empty
    • Players did not sign in, or incorrectly, or with no court number
    • Playing time has expired
  • Players, out of courtesy, are encouraged to rotate off Court 2 to aid those wanting to use the ball machine when other courts are open

Wild Card Play Format

When you arrive, you will assigned given a tournament sheet. It shows your partner, opponents, court assignment for each of the rounds.

Match Play

  • There are 7 rounds to be played, 4 games each. The first 2 and last 2 rounds are mixed doubles. The third through fifth are same gender.
  • All matches are four [4] games, where each player serves once
  • By default, a team serves two games then swap ends. By mutual agreement, teams can serve one game, change ends, then swap again after the third game,
  • The Rossmoor Sun Rule (sun is to the server's back) is used. Each game won counts as a point.
  • No-ad scoring is used for each game. First to 4 points, win by two.
  • If the game score reaches 3-3, the receiving team decides who will receive the deciding point. This is Ladies choice:
    • i.e. men serve to men, women serve to women,
    • but the receiving team may choose to have a women receive serve from a man.

Report match results to the tournament scorer after each round.

OLD APPROACH [no longer used]

  • Once participation is determined, a blind draw is made to determine partners/opponents.
  • Fill in the Tournament Scoresheet with the players listed in the same numerical sequence as the Court Assignment form. 
  • A rotation sheet is created and posted at the tournament. In addition, Wild Card players are given a laminated card with their partner's number and court to play on for each round. The rotation sheet will have opponents names.
  • Assign men odd numbers (1,3,5 ..) and women the even numbers (2,4,6…).  The number a player is assigned on the Court Assignment form should match the number on the laminated Court Assignment Card the player is given on the day of the tournament

Ring-around-the-posey Rules

When you arrive, you will assigned a starting partner and a court number.  The courts are arranged in a circle by court number with players rotating from the highest numbered court to lowest numbered court.

Match Play

  • All matches are four [4] games, where each player serves
  • Rossmoor sun rule for serving is in effect.
  • No-ad scoring is used for each game. First to 4 points, win by two.
  • If the game score reaches 3-3, the receiving team decides who will receive the deciding point. This is Ladies choice:
    • i.e. men serve to men, women serve to women,
    • but the receiving team may choose to have a women receive serve from a man.
  • If there is a 2-2 tie, there is a sudden death, single point tie breaker. the most recent server serves, and the receiving team decides who receives. This will NOT affect scores, just decide who moves court.


  • Winners move, losers stay. The winning team moves on the the next higher court number.
  • Teams split after every match so you only play with the same player one time.

Report match results to the tournament scorer after each round.

Reimbursement Request

RTC Reimbursement Request Custom

This is a PDF form and can be edited after it has been downloaded. i.e. You can:

  • click on the image to the left to download the form
  • type into the downloaded form
  • then save the form, with your edits.

RTC accepts electronic requests so you have two choices:

  • snail mail the form using USPS
  • email the form,
  • attaching the required images of the corresponding receipts

Send to the club treasurer, Ken Steiner.

Both sets of USPS and electronic addresses are on the form



Procedures to run events etc.

Article Count:
Tournament Procedures

Tournament Procedures

Article Count:
Board [Private]

Articles about internal Board communications and deliberations

Article Count:


Article Count: