Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024


Information about administration of the Club

Administration - Facilities

Facilities Manager

The Facilities Manager has as a primary responsibility for the maintenance of facilities used by the tennis club.   These facilities include the courts, the nets, the windscreens, brooms and squeegees, the clocks, the kiosks, and the social area structures and storage sheds.   The kiosk is an important communication facility to post notices and alert members to events and court usage.   The Manager schedules the cleaning and maintenance of the courts.

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Administration - Membership

RTC Membership Information

Joining RTC allows participation in numerous tournaments, attendance at social events sponsored by RTC, and participation in team and league play. Numerous levels of play are available. The club also maintains a ball machine on Court 2 at the Buckeye Tennis Complex, which requires an additional fee.

The club is transitioning to a new web site and is no longer accepting applications through this site. Please click on this message and you will be redirected to the new site automatically.

Click on one of the icons to join online or use a paper form.

  • Membership Online is for Rossmoor Residents ONLY. We prefer online renewals as it saves a lot of data entry effort.
  • Membership Non-Resident is only open to existing Non-Resident members
    • The Club is NOT accepting NEW non-resident membership applications at this time.
    • Legacy non-residents may continue to renew.
  • The system will follow up with an email detailing where to send a check
  • Membership using Paper is for those preferring traditional forms. 

Rossmoor Tennis Club is open to all residents of Rossmoor. Reminders for renewal membership are sent out to current members late in the calendar year. Prospective new members will find applications available in the kiosk at Buckeye Tennis Complex and or using the icons below.

Membership directories are printed and available in late January or early February. The online directory is always available to logged in members

Membership Information

RTC Membership Information

RTC Logo 10 KB TransRossmoor Tennis Club is open to all residents of Rossmoor.   Applications for renewal membership are mailed each year to current members late in the calendar year.    Prospective new members will find applications available in the kiosk at Buckeye Tennis Complex and as a link below.   The Club is not accepting NEW non-resident membership applications at this time.

Dues are currently $30.00 a year.   The club maintains a ball machine on Court 2 at the Buckeye Tennis Complex.   Use of that machine is an additional $35 a year.   Joining RTC allows participation in various tournaments, attendance at social events sponsored by RTC, and participation in team play.    Numerous levels of play are available.

Membership directories are published and available online in late January or early February.    Updates to the directory are maintained on the website during the year.

 Join Us Online  Join us using paper form

Administration - Photo Layout Testing

Ignite Gallery Layout Testing --- All Use Same Gallery

01 --- Infinite Thumbs Across w/ Light Box

02 --- 2 Thumbs Down no Light Box

04 --- 1 Main Across w/ Light Box

05 --- 2 Thumbs Down w/ Light Box

06 --- 1 Thumb Across no Light Box

07 --- 3 Thumbs Across w/ Light Box

08 --- 6 Thumbs Across w/ Light Box (New)

Administration - Organization

RTC Organization

Board of Directors:

Board Member: Board Title: Term: (year end)
Ron Wyman President 2017
Bernie Wolf Vice President 2018
Les Hoskyns Secretary 2018
Barbara Schwartz Treasurer 2019
Bob McGowan Tournaments 2017
Carol Pillsbury Social 2019
Larry Fredricks Membership 2018
Rolf Kvalvik Facilities 2017
Joan Warner Publicity 2019













Section 1.   The name of the organization shall be Rossmoor Tennis Club located in Rossmoor, Walnut Creek, California


Section 1.   Promote good sportsmanship and fellowship among its members and maintain and foster the best interests of the game of tennis.

Section 2.   Promote and govern inter-club and intra-club tournaments as well as other club-sponsored events.

Section 3.   This club is a member of the United States Tennis Association and is bound by its procedures.


Section 1.   Membership shall consist of residents and (previously accepted) non-residents of Rossmoor as defined by Golden Rain Foundation and Mutual Corporation, who have made application and paid dues within a given year.

Section 2.   Annual Dues, in an amount set each year by the Board of Directors, shall be due and payable December 31.

Section 3.   Membership applications and all new and renewal dues shall be sent to the RTC Membership Chairperson.


Section 1.   A minimum of three general meetings shall be held each year with the date of the meetings to be at the discretion of the Board.   Members shall be notified at least two weeks in advance.   A quorum shall be those members present at a public meeting of the Rossmoor Tennis Club.


Section 1.   The business and affairs of the club shall be conducted and its property controlled by a Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board.   It shall consist of nine members, three of whom shall be elected each year for a term of three years.   No Board member shall serve for a successive period of more than two terms.   The new Board will assume their duties in January following the election, with the outgoing board remaining in an advisory capacity through January.

Section 2.   At least 30 days prior to the November General Membership Meeting, the President, with approval of the Board, shall appoint from members at large (other than present officers and directors) a five-member nominating committee.  The nominating committee shall consist of a past president (if available) and four non-board-member RTC club members.

Section 3.   At least 15 days prior to the November General Meeting, the nominating committee shall submit to the Board, ask the RTC President to email to the membership, and post on the Buckeye Complex kiosk a list of those members who have agreed to have their names placed in nomination.   At the November General Meeting, additional nominations may be made from the floor providing consent of the nominee and support from at least two other RTC members has been obtained prior to the meeting.

Section 4.   Voting shall be by show of hands, and candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared to be elected.   If the number of nominees equals the number of open board positions, then their election may be by acclamation.

Section 5.   Within 10 days after the November General Membership Meeting and election, the (newly elected) board shall meet and assign themselves responsibilities as follows:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Tournaments, Social, Membership, Publicity, and Facilities.  The Vice President is the presumptive President for the next term and should indicate, at least a year before the expiration of his/her term as Vice President, whether he/she will or will not accept the President's position when it comes due.  If he/she does not accept, the position of President will be offered, in the following order, to the Secretary, Treasurer, or an existing board member until the position of presumptive President is accepted.  To be eligible for presumptive President, a nominee must have served on the board for at least one full year.

Section 6.   The President, subject to the approval of the RTC Board, shall appoint chairpersons of the following standing committees:   Information Technology Committee, Reservations Committee, and Nominating Committee.   The president will be an ex-officio member of all standing committees.   The chairpersons of these standing committees are not expected to attend board meetings.   RTC Committees may be created or abolished by the RTC President with the approval of the RTC Board.

Section 7.   Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Vice President shall succeed to the office of President.   If a vacancy occurs in any other elective office, the President, with the approval of the Board,  will  appoint  a successor from the board membership to fill the unexpired term of that office.  The President will also, with board approval, appoint someone from the general membership to fill the remainder of the term of that board member.

Section 8.   Board members may resign in writing to the President.  Failure of any Board member to attend three consecutive meetings, unless excused by the presiding officer, shall be considered a written resignation.   The vacancy thus created shall be filled in accordance with Section 7.

Section 9.   The Board shall meet once a month on a date selected by the directors.   Five members shall constitute a quorum.   Special board meetings may be called by the President with  the Secretary giving advance notice to each member and stating the nature of the business.   Special meetings may also be called by a majority of the board members, or by petition of at least 25 RTC non-board members. Minutes of all board, special and annual meetings will be posted on the website as soon as possible and in any event no later than 30 days from the date of the meeting.

Section 10.  A separate roles and responsibilities document listing all executive and committee chairs shall be created and maintained by the RTC Secretary.   Changes to the roles and responsibilities     document may be made with approval of the board.   

Section 11. These by laws and RTC policies and procedures shall be reviewed and approved at least once every three years.   Approved documents will be posted on the website as soon as possible, and in any event no later than 30 days from the date of approval.  


Section 1.   Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern this Club in all cases to which they are applicable.


Section 1.   These Bylaws may be amended at any general or special meeting by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members attending, providing a quorum is present as specified in ARTICLE IV, Section 1.


The RTC Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a current outline of the duties of officers.   Changes to the duties will be proposed and voted on as necessary at regularly scheduled board meetings.


  1. Serve as chairman of the Board of Directors.
  2. Preside at all regular and special meetings.
  3. With approval of the Board, appoint chairmen of standing committees and others deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Club.
  4. Shall see that the Bylaws and such other rules and regulations adopted by the membership are enforced.
  5. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except nominating committee.
  6. With approval of the Board, confer as needed with Golden Rain Foundation's Community Relations Dept. regarding rules governing court usage.

Vice President:

  1. Assume President's responsibilities in the President's absence.
  2. Serve as the Club's representative on the Activities Council and report on the Council's meetings at the Club's Board meetings.
  3. Serve as the Club's Conflict Resolution Committee Chairman. 4.   Perform other duties as assigned by the President.


  1. Record and preserve in written form the minutes of all Board and General Meetings.
  2. Post minutes of all general membership meetings and, in consultation with the President, matters of general interest from Board meetings on the Club bulletin board near the courts.
  3. Conduct club correspondence.
  4. Issue or post notices of meetings.
  5. Prepare copies of minutes of all meetings for the President and Vice President.


  1. Take charge of and deposit all funds in the name of the Rossmoor Tennis Club and disburse such funds subject to the approval of the Board.
  2. Present a record of receipts and disbursements and make a financial report at all Board and General Meetings.
  3. Prepare, for Board approval, a proposed budget for the year.
  4. Facilities
  5. Maintain the ball machine, periodically cull and replace old balls

Board Member Duties [2014-17]

Board Members Duties [from 2014-17]

Volunteers with administrative and information technology skills are needed

RTC board members and RTC volunteers perform a number of functions to help the club function smoothly.    Every year (or every few years) responsibility for these functions will necessarily change.    This year the responsibility for several of these functions will be changing hands.    Several of these functions require administrative, financial, and information technology skills.

For the past several months the board has been looking for board members and / or volunteers to assume the responsibility for these functions.   The outline below is designed to outline some of the skills needed by individuals being recruited for various board and volunteer positions.    It is initially focused largely on administrative and information technology skills, but may be enhanced over time to include a full description of what is expected or assumed that each position should be willing to and able to perform.

President and Vice President (board positions)

  • Monthly meeting agenda --- entered directly into the website and printed just prior to the meeting.  Conduct monthly meetings.
  • Gmail blasts to members with links to the website entries at least once a month, with updates on tournaments, parties, etc.
  • Vice-President:
    • Assist board members and social/tennis volunteers with website entries, etc.
    • Assume RTC President's duties in case of his/her absence

Secretary (board position)

  • Board meeting agenda prepared ahead of meetings in coordination with President / Vice President.
  • Board meeting minutes recorded during meeting and later entered on the RTC website.
  • Assist event organizers in keeping RTC Calendar pages of the RTC website kept current.
  • Governing documents --- the club maintains a number of documents (Golden Rain charter, photographs, by-laws, forms, applications, etc.)    These documents are stored and available on the website.

Treasurer (board position)

  • Preparation of Financial Statements --- Use club software to create financial information to be presented at general membership meetings.
  • Deposit membership and ball machine checks into club bank account.
  • Reimbursements for RTC activities --- RTC reimbursement sheet with receipts will be given to board member so that checks can be sent to club volunteers for remuneration.

Tournaments Chairperson (board position)

  • Tournament organization --- the director’s main duty is to help organize and run tennis tournaments played by the tennis club members.  By being directly involved the director can help everyone run tournaments efficiently and with confidence.
  • Tournament officiating --- when someone new is involved, help him/her to organize and run the tournament.  Explain the different formats for the various tournaments (these can be e-mailed,) give them a worksheet (separate document,) and just be there for questions, etc.   Veteran tournament people will be able to tell you what they want/need.
  • Assist captains and coordinators of the women's leagues and the men's leagues when they are hosting opposing clubs here at Rossmoor.
  • Make sure that all tournaments are posted to RTC Calendar on website as early in the year as possible.

Use the following timeline for your responsibilities:

  • One month before the tournament is to take place be sure that the information for it is posted on the website. If you are not doing the posting, contact whoever is designated (webmaster, etc.)
  • Three weeks before contact the publicity board member to put a blurb in the Rossmoor News that the tournament is approaching. Give details such as date, time, when the sign-up sheets will be posted, etc.
  • One week before the tournament put up a flyer at the kiosk that explains which courts are reserved and the times.
  • At this time help the captain contact all the players to confirm their participation (email is okay.)
  • On the day of the tournament help the captain keep things running smoothly.
  • Make sure that a group photo is taken before playing starts.
  • After the tournament send the publicity director the results, photos and any interesting stories so that the information can go into the Rossmoor News.
  • If you are posting to the website, write a brief article (with Who, What, When Where, Why and How information) and post it.   If you are not posting, send the information and photos to the board member in charge of publicity, president's e-mail, and President at RTC.   Make the story interesting!!!
  • All photos that are emailed should be sent as attachments only.

Social Chairperson (board position)

  • Event scheduling --- in October / November prepare a schedule of at least nine social events to be held the following calendar year.   Secure volunteer hosting participation for these events.   Work with the RTC Secretary to assure that this schedule information is on the club's website and in the annual membership directory.   Provide the schedule to the board at December's board meeting.
  • Event planning --- well in advance of each event, work with each host to determine venue availability, volunteer services, party format, entertainment, food, beverage, and
  • Event registration --- collect reservation information and money for social events
  • Event publicity --- make sure all events are posted on RTC Calendar on the website.   A flyer that can be posted at the Buckeye Kiosk or on the website can be be prepared.   Tech Committee chairman will assist you.  Notify publicity board member a sufficient time in advance so that articles can be prepared for the Rossmoor News.
  • Event recording --- prepare an event summary and e-mail it with any photos (as attachments) to the publicity board member, president's e-mail and President at RTC.

Membership Chairperson (board position)

  • Membership Outreach --- during the year, ensure that prospective members have one or more personable individuals to call for information about the club.
  • Membership forms --- during the year,  prepare and mail (or email) the information necessary to allow prospective members to join or re-join the RTC.    Keep blank copies of the application at kiosk and elsewhere.   By Mid-October send out renewal applications to all current members via email.   Use US Mail for those members without computers.   Repeat this procedure as necessary toward end of the year.
  • Membership information --- use Google Contacts to record contact, dues, and other information about the membership.   Keep track of members and place names in the appropriate groups, i.e., New Members, Non-Residents, etc.   Keep and file all returned applications for future reference.    Document the information from submitted applications into the club's Google Contacts.
  • Membership dues --- prepare a Google Sheets spreadsheet (on the club's Google account) to document moneys received.    Prepare bank deposits for RTC Treasurer listing name, date, check number, and amount of check. Using this information coordinate with the RTC Treasurer the amounts of received.
  • Ball Machine accounting --- maintain in Google Contacts a list showing those who have paid for use of the ball machine and keep that list accurate during the year.
  • RTC Annual Directory input --- work with the person responsible for preparing and printing the RTC Directory to make sure all names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses are accurate before publication.
  • RTC Annual Directory mailing --- by late January, conduct a "Directory Mailing Party" where printed directories receive postage, receive mailing labels, are folded and sealed for mailing, and dropped off to the US Postal Service.
  • RTC Directory Updates --- during the year, as new members join, send an email and make a phone call welcoming new member and deliver directory to them.   Update directory information mid-year and email to all members.   Use US Postal Service for those without email.

Court Engineer (board position)

  • Replace batteries in clocks at tennis courts.
  • Periodically remove and replace old tennis balls in ball machine.
  • See if nets and screens need repair/replacement (inform Club President to inform MOD.)
  • Make sure there are sign up sheets in container at kiosk.
  • Respond to any other member input on facilities related issues

RTC Publicity (board position)

  • Rossmoor News --- provide a weekly article outlining the club's activities during the previous week
  • RTC website --- enter information from the above submission into the appropriate portions of the website
  • Rossmoor Recreation Department --- maintain a relationship with the director in order to get the club's input into planned activities

RTC Technology Administrator (volunteer position)

  • RTC Website development --- (performed as a one-time donation by Les Hoskyns) --- non recurring
  • RTC Website enhancement --- (a major revision was performed in October / November 2015)
  • RTC Website enhancements --- (a major revision was performed in May / June 2017)
  • RTC website maintenance --- website administrator (webmaster) functions --- (will be transferred to Chris Slee over a period of months, category by category beginning in July 2017.)
  • RTC Annual Directory input --- work with RTC Membership Chairperson to assure the proper organization of member information exists in RTC's Google Contacts.
  • RTC Annual Directory preparation --- using input received from RTC Membership and appropriate software, prepare a file that can be used by a local printer to produce booklets ready for mailing.   Detailed instructions are found on a separate page of the website.



Procedures to run events etc.

Article Count:
Tournament Procedures

Tournament Procedures

Article Count:
Board [Private]

Articles about internal Board communications and deliberations

Article Count:


Article Count: