Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sun, Oct 27, 2024
Monday, February 19, 2018, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
This repeat is an exception to the normal repeat pattern
Hits : 1177
by RTC Secretary

RTC Board Meeting --- Feb 19, 2018 --- Minutes

President - Bernie Wolf

  • Bernie asked for and got approval of the January 2018 Board Meeting Minutes.
  • Discussed Ball Machine Clinic and it's growing usage and success.
  • Discussed access of RTC members to monthly board meetings.   The board reaffirmed the club's long-standing policy that welcomes any RTC member who wishes to attend any of  the regular board meetings.   This required clarification because of an error on a number of previous years' membership directories.   Bottom line..... any RTC member is welcome at any RTC board meeting.

Vice President - Carol Pillsbury

  • Carol covered material for Marian Renvall who is away.   (see below)

Secretary - Les Hoskyns

  • Discussed the shift from Gmail-based communication to RTC-website-based communication and the ramifications for virtually all of RTC communications going forward.
  • Discussed mailing 2018 Membership Directory booklets.   The board voted to produce and mail a 2018 Membership Directory in booklet format similar to previous years' versions.   We have a volunteer to hold a "Mailing Party" in late February / early March.  We have a volunteer to shepherd the printing process at our printing vendor.  This issue (mailing a printed booklet in addition to the on-line directory) will be re-visited before next year.

Treasurer - Barbara Schwartz

  • Barbara reported on the budget to date.
  • Discussed and unanimously approved a 2018 Budget.

Tournaments - Chris Slee - Away

  • The February Wild Card was over-subscribed and went off smoothly thanks to Jeff Strathmeyer.
  • Chris Slee will be coordinating the March 3 Wild Card.
  • We have some volunteers to coordinate tournaments, but we need to find a few more.
  • Discussed a recent offer from Trilogy Brentwood proposing a March 18 tournament.   Decision was that we will not do this due to insufficient lead / planning time.   This offer was appreciated and we'll quite possibly have a Trilogy Brentwood Tournament in the future.

Social - Marian "Cinnamon" Renvall - Away

  • Carol Pillsbury reported on the 2018 Valentine's Party --- a successful event indeed.
  • Discussed the Kentucky Derby party replacing Spring Fling this year.   Decision was made to not conduct this year's Spring Fling in favor of a jointly-hosted Kentucky Party with the 30s-40s Club (pending looking into financials of this arrangement).   Details to follow on the website as plans firm up.

Membership - Larry Fredricks - Away

  • Larry is now maintaining RTC membership information on the website and no longer using Gmail Contacts.
  • Membership contact information has been sent out from the website in .pdf format.
  • Membership contact information will be available in booklet form mailed to each member.
  • Membership contact information is also directly available online that includes new members and corrections where needed.

Facilities - Bill Van Wagoner

  • Bill reported on court conditions in considerable detail.   Bill was lauded for his efforts to date.
  • Discussed signage proposed for Buckeye Kiosk in detail and selected the material to be used.   This signage will note that signups are required for court usage.  Also a notation that encourages players to CLOSE THE GATES  (Yes, we're still having this problem.)
  • Discussed the pros and cons of the possible installation of a backboard.   This is basically a GRF project / expenditure.

Publicity - Dave Blanchard - Away

  • Dave is sending publicity material to the Rossmoor News while he's away until mid March
  • Les is entering that same material into the website while Dave is away

RTC Information Technology - Chris Slee - Away

  • As a result of the transfer of membership contact information to the RTC website, the previous "email-blast" format has been replaced by Newsletters that are sent out from the website's email system.   Multiple mailing lists are maintained online and used for a variety of purposes.   RTC sub-groups may now receive email communications targeted to their specific expressed interests.   New mailing list requests should be addressed to Chris Slee.
  • We need to keep the Events Calendar up to date, for the whole year.    Examples of SPECIFIC needs are:
    • Social Events
    • Tennis Tournaments
    • Team Captains Events for Buckeyes, Oaks and SMIL
    • Administrative Events (an example is the Board Meeting Minutes you are reading now)
  • Articles contain information about events, both before and after the event.   This was discussed in some detail to clarify that as an event progresses thru it's various stages, the article that describes the event can be (and should be) continually updated by the person in charge of the event.
    • Posted to the web site as soon as the event is schedules, even with just minimal information
    • Should include photographs wherever possible  (( We plan to introduce an easier way to upload images in articles ))
    • Some articles can be tagged for inclusion in the Rossmoor News
  • Chris will be adding a Procedure to guide Event Publicity:
    • This will cover pre-event and post-event publicity
    • We need some beta test volunteers
  • We will re-activate the RTC Information Technology Committee.   This committee has been involved with all major technology changes over the past several years as we've centralized our digital resources.  We initially used Google's online environment, then moved to what we characterized as an 'informational'  RTC website, and now we are moving to a more 'conversational' RTC website where members can interact with the material on the site.
  • We are actively looking for RTC members who have information technology skills and will welcome their participation with us either on the RTC Information Technology Committee or in other ways.

Old Business

  • Item 1

New Business

  • Discussed the rule about non-resident / non-guest usage of the courts.   Courts are for the use of Rossmoor Residents and their Guests only.   A Resident Sponsor must accompany Guests the entire time of play.   After considerable discussion, the board decided that it's not enough of a problem at this time to make a bigger issue of it.

Next General Meeting - March 19, 2018 - Creekside, Fairway Room

Location Creekside Complex - Bunker Room