Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Monthly RTC Board Meeting
Monday, January 16, 2023, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 939
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Al Peters

President - Al Peters

Roll call all present except Linda Hague, and Lekuni Ichikawa (Ike)

Minutes from December were approved

  • Open Forum

Vice President - Emily Van Vleet

  • Emily had worked on a members' survey but was having difficulty putting it on the RTC website as an email blast. Laura had suggested Survey Monkey but Chris Slee noted that both the RTC membership and the number of questions exceed the Survey Monkey's limit for free use. Terry has a list of 5 or 6 members who have technical skills  and Emily will reach out to them for suggestions. Also she will check with other clubs as to how they have done surveys. Also Barbara had suggested adding a question about team games in the survey.

Secretary - Barbara Landberg

  • A get well card was sent to Sally Nordwall who was in rehab but has now moved to Waterford.
  • A condolence card was sent to Jane Sacknowitz whose husband passed away.

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • Receive 2022 financials
  • Discussed whether or how financials should be attached to the minutes. 
  • We have been getting so much spam related to finances that I am just putting in our checking balance as of 1/14/23 which is $17,734.55

Tournaments - Iekuni "Ike" Ichikawa

  • No report

Social - Laura Townsend

  • A Crab Dinner is planned for Feb. 14th.
  • We will charge $30. per person and ask people to pay in advance.
  • It will also be a pot luck with people bringing an appetizer, salad, or dessert to share.
  • In addition to April 1st there is planning in progress for Cinco de Mayo with free margaritas and tapas and fillings

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • 89 letters and apps sent out first week of January; as of 1/15/23  39 responses
  • 187 paid membership
  • 59 paid Ball Machine
  • Barbara will send a thank you to Rich Racimora who had gererously donated The Ball Machine and Terry will send his new address
  • Terry will have the new directories out the first week of February
  • Board members will help distribute them

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan 

  • December court usage. Due to inclement weather our numbers were down to 952 for the month.
  • code changed on BM shed
  • the ground crew needs to be contacted about putting a hay retaining structure on courts 3,4.5, and 6 to hold back mud and water

Publicity - Linda Hague

  • 2 articles were published on the website.

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • Trained Board members on how to use the site. Linda and Ike have both successfully published items
  • Update calendars to reflect input from Tournaments, SMIL and BALL teams
  • Changed references to Newsletters to eMails to match common vernacular
  • Re-published Board Agenda after selected Board member "unpublished" the event
  • Chris will print out the new directory. Everyone needs to carefully check for errors.
  •  Everyone should look under Admin. Procedures on the website and carefully review their job descriptions
  • Emily, Terry, and Laura will review Content on Website

Old Business

  • April Fool's Day (Saturday )Lunch BBQ (Lenny Cook)  Pot luck (bring something to share) and your own drinks. RTC will provide free cheeseburgers and music
  • Install lights at picnic area (Bob Benz) we will use 3 strands of lights and need an extension cord
  • Resurfacing of courts (Larry) It was felt that we should not interfere with GRF's decision about which company to hire
  • Install awnings on tennis courts --Al will talk to Larry about contacting the person replacing Jeff Matheson

New Business

Consider modifying website to accept payments online . The Board voted to accept on line payments. There will be charges but we felt it is worth it. Ken, Chris, and Al will be the gateways.

Discuss what can be done to stop scam email . The Board needs to be aware and not open any questionable e mails especially from Al and Ken.

Barbara suggested having an AED Defibrillator at Buckeye? Al will talk to GRF and maybe there should be a training session.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50!!

  • Next Meeting ... February 20th in the Bunker Room at 1:30.
Location Creekside Bunker Room