Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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RTC General Meeting
Monday, November 28, 2022, 06:30pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 809
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Larry Barclay

President - Larry Barclay

  • Roll Call all present except Chris Slee

Members Open Forum:

Aric Levi moved to Rossmoor recently and gave high praise to the RTC which was a main reason he came here.

Marc Parham also is a new member who spoke about how few people were showing up for the Tues. and Thurs. open tennis. He offered to be a point person for people to contact so they could know how many would show up. Brett Casper volunteered to help set up a system.

Mary Ann spoke about having lights at the barbeque area, and apparently there are lights in the shed that could be put up.

 Len Cook was nostalgic about the summer barbeques and suggested we combine food and tennis once a month during the seasons when we do not have barbeques

Al suggested combing lessons and open play on the same day

Shari Weissman praised our 2 excellent teachers who give so much of their time

Someone suggested that we could donate old tennis racquets to PAL

Our calendar should be on the web and is in need of updating.

Becky Reiss recommended that we have drop in tennis on weekends to attract players who are working

 Dave Kern suggested that we have a mixed doubles league with Mission Hills Racquet Club in Freemont

 Anna George suggested that we have input on which company does the resurfacing of the tennis courts so that we get the best quality

Vice President - Al Peters

  • Al presented the Tounament of Champions Plaque with 4 new names added that will be on display at the kiosk. Barry Brian, Chris Bang, Rena Benz and Terry Quinlan were the 2022 winners.

Secretary - Barbara Landberg

  • The minutes from the last board meeting were approved.

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • As of 11/28/2022 the checking account balance is $10,419.23. The dues will remain at $30. and $35. for use of the ball machine. 

Tournaments - Chris Slee

  • Although Chris was not present he left a strong message about the importance of volunteering and he had prepared a chart for people to sign up to help at tournaments 

Social - David Hickey

  • Holiday Party and Holiday Toy Drive --We are hoping for 100 people to come to the party with unwrapped toys to be donated to the Shriners Children's Hospital
  • Room reservations 2023 problems --the 3rd Thurs. of Dec. will be too close to Christmas and many will be away

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • Email blast sent out re 2023 membership renewal on 11/16/22
  • EOY membership total is 236 So far about 40 people have renewed for 2023

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • Court Resurfacing Update.  $125K approved by the Planning Comm., goes to GRF on Dec. 1, 2022
  • In October 1772 people signed up at the kiosk which averages  about 60 players per day and about 20,000 people this year.

Publicity - Amy Bollinger

  • Rossmoor News articles published for Membership Renewal and Holiday Party

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • Zoom: Cancelled effective end of January

Old Business

  • Board Member Nominations no nominations from the floor
  • Election  Emily VanVleet will be the new Vice President
  • Laura Townsend will be the new Social chair
  • Linda Hague will be the Publicity chair
  • Lekuni Ichikawa (Ike )will be on the board serving as Tournament chair and he will be assisted by Rick Sterling 
  • Chris Slee will continue to do Technology 

New Business

  • The highly anticipated raffle was held with winners getting bottles of wine or tennis hats
  • Larry adjourned the meeting at 7:36 PM

Next Meeting ... Mon. Dec. 19th at 1:30 at Creekside Bunker Room

Location Creekside Fairway Room