Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Fri, Oct 25, 2024
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Monthly RTC Board Meeting
Monday, October 16, 2023, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 589
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Al Peters

President - Al Peters

  • Called meeting to order at 1:29 p.m. with all Board members present except Barbara Landberg (secretary).  Emily VanVleet will assume secretary duties for this meeting.
  •  September meeting minutes were approved.
  • Open Forum (Limit to 5 minutes per person) - was not held since no non-Board member present .
  • Treasurer - Ken Steiner presented the following report:
  • Tennis Club Report for Jan. 1, 2023  through October 14, 2023
    Summary Statement        
          Actual Budget Difference
      Ball Machine   2,632.50 2,700.00 -67.50
      Membership Dues   6,735.00 6,900.00 -165.00
      Social Events Income   2,460.00 5,000.00 -2,540.00
      Other Income   180.00 0.00 180.00
    Total Income   12,007.50 14,600.00 -2,592.50
      Operating Expenses   3,456.97 3,400.00 56.97
      Social Event Expenses   4,778.14 9,900.00 -5,121.86
      Club Match/Tournament Expenses 677.57 1,300.00 -622.43
    Total Expenses   8,912.68 14,600.00 -5,687.32
    Net Income   3,094.82 0.00 3,094.82
      Checking Balance: 1-1-2023   $10,300.33     
      Checking Balance: 10-14-2023   $13,395.15    
  • Emily asked the Board to consider a donation to the Rossmoor Fund, noting that donations have been made in some prior years. The Board voted and agreed to a $250 donation for 2023. 
  • Ken asked all Board members to review the budget and send him their recommendations for 2024 budget items. 
  • Ike Ichikawa  presented results from recent tournaments, forthcoming tournaments, and a draft of scheduled tournaments for year 2024 for review. Ike noted that the decrease in response to the WC tournaments  suggests that the WCT maybe should be curtailed in frequency/size/length. The Board agreed and reviewed Ike's draft schedules for year 2024. It was agreed to eliminate a February 2024 WC and a Halloween 10/26/2024 WC.  The 5/4/2024 WC was changed to a 5/4/2024 p.m.Cinqo Round Robin preceding the scheduled Cinqo BBQ. The 7/6/2024 Wild Card will be followed by a luncheon 7/6 BBQ (the evening 7/6 BBQ will not be held). Also, the 9/7/2024 Men's Doubles will be changed to a Mixed Doubles tourney.                                                                         

Social - Laura Townsend

  • Laura will send an e-mail blast to members about the new format for the upcoming holiday party scheduled for Dec. 18th Fireside room. It was agreed previously at last month's Board meeting to change the format to a RTC funded non-catered dinner at no cost to members with RTC providing the main entrees and open bar with members bringing potluck sides.

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • 226 Members
  • 77 Ball Machine Users
  • 10/19 New member party (12 members + 6 guests) (27 new members, 9 no's, 6  no response)
  • Plan for 2024 Renewals: the application needs to be updated on existing website and Terry will ask Chris Slee for assistance. An  Email blast will be sent out; 2024 apps put at kiosk and have ready for November General Meeting; sign up online as well.  

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • Court Usage Numbers remain consistent with prior months, i.e. about 1620 players monthly averaging 55 players daily, primarily in the morning hours.

Publicity - Linda Hague

  • Linda welcomed suggestions for future articles. Linda may be writing articles with repeat themes about how the RTC offers members various paths to get back into tennis.  Linda noted that Mary Benin has volunteered to write articles about various members' non-tennis pursuits. 

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • No Report

Old Business

  • Update on Nominating Committee - Emily reported that Larry Barclay and Mary Hickey have been working hard to find volunteer(s) for Social position with no success yet. Dave Kern is a  nominee for Facilities position.
  • Terry suggested that all Board members review their contacts and consider possible nominees to approach for Social. David Hickey, former Social chair from 2022, will attend the New Members party to advertise for Social. 
  • Status of Awning Instillation - Emily reported that there has been no response/update from GRF to two email follow-ups regarding the awnings purchase for courts 1,3 and 5. Al Peters will try to contact Ann Mottola for an update. 
  •  Becky Reiss to contact John Bockman as to whether Orinda Woods wishes to schedule a rematch.
  • Update on Wild Apricot (WA) management software project.- Emily reported that the content migration is still in process and the WA RTC website is not yet ready for testing. It seems likely that the WA RTC website will not be ready for 2024 membership enrollment/autopay this year. (Superceding update as of 10/18/2024: the WA RTC website may be ready for 2024 membership/enrollment/autopay this year.) 

New Business

  • Discuss Inappropriate Behavior :There was an unfortunate incident at the courts recently that was reported to the Board. Conversations were held with individual(s) involved, and a restatement of the common courtesy and etiquette required and expected for members will be made to preclude any future incidents.  The Board agreed that a clarification of the GRF Rule R106.1 Use of Buckeye Tennis Complex , section A. General Rules for Use of Tennis Courts, item 9.  is needed. Item 9. currently states "A minimum of two players must be physically present in order to sign-up on the waiting list for a court except one person may sign-up to use the ball machine."  The Board noted that members have been not strictly adhering to this rule. The Board will present new item 9. wording at the upcoming November meeting.

Next Meeting 

Monday, November 20 in the Creekside Fairway Room - a General Meeting

Location Creekside Bunker Room