Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

2023 Tennis + Ball Machine Subscription

Please enter information on the form below to process subscription for 2023 Tennis + Ball Machine.

Existing user? Please login

New User? Please register

Account Information

Please enter your complete address ... Street Address, Unit number and Entry ... e.g. 1080 Tice Creek Blvd #3, E8
Quick guide:
  • 2.5 Beginner, rusty after no play for years
  • 3.0 Fairly consistent with slower, moderate pace
  • 3.5 Improved strokes with control, placement and some pace
  • 4.0 Skilled player, typically top players in RTC
  • 4.5 Advanced player, few in the club
[Only enter a Partner if you do NOT both use the same Last Name]

The Club runs on the generous help of Volunteers, organizing tournaments, running social events, BBQ Meisters ... all these people pitch in to make the Club what it is. Please volunteer to help with Club events
Please send all payments to the club Membership Director ...via snail mail.
You will receive an email with instructions

Payment Information

Offline Payment