Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

Memorial Day
May 23, 2015

The Rossmoor Tennis Clubs Memorial >>>

RTC Courts 01Memorial Day --- May 23, 2015

The Rossmoor Tennis Club's Memorial Day Tennis Tournament was played on a chilly day and in heavy winds. Despite the elements, 8 teams of 5 players each battled it out with a lot of outstanding tennis resulting in two winning teams, the Heroes and the Patriots.

Congratulations went to the Heroes team consisting of Christie Maxwell, Dave Kern, Ed Logwood, Mike Cavanaugh and Kerin Baker for their first tier win. Congratulations were also extended to the Patriot players: Susanne Eldridge, Judy Corliss, Bernie Wolf, Allan Tam and Don Liddle who won the second tier event.

Marcia Perry, the tournament director, who has been running the Memorial Day tournament since 1996, did her usual outstanding job. She wanted to thank Joanne Anderson, Randy Kuhl, Lil Kuhl and Don Liddle for helping "run the show".