Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

Villages at Rossmoor
April 16, 2016

Rossmoor reclaims trophy >>>

Villages at Rossmoor

April 16, 2016

One of the premier tennis events Rossmoor looks forward to hosting every year is the inter-club tournament with The Villages.   Both clubs have a long history playing each other and many friendships have formed over the past 30 years of playing these events.   Rossmoor hosted the Villages at the Buckeye courts for a sunny day of tennis, lunch, and socializing on April 16.

The tournament format consisted of 4 men's, 4 women's, and 4 mixed doubles of 2 sets each.   The team wining the most sets wins the tournament.   The Rossmoor men won their doubles matches 6 sets to the Villages 2 sets, but the Rossmoor women lost their matches 2 sets to 6 leaving it up to the mixed doubles team to break the tied score.   The Rossmoor mixed doubles teams won 4 sets to 2 giving Rossmoor the coveted victory plaque with a 12 to 10 set score.

Playing at line 1, Larry Barclay and Frank Haswell won both their sets 6-2, 6-4. Barclay won a majority of his points with hard driving forehands low to the approaching opponents and Haswell picked off weak shots from the opponents with well placed volleys and overheads.   The line 2 players, Barry Brian and Dave Kern, also won both their sets 6-1, 6-2. Brian kept the Villages players off balance with his trademark offensive lobs and deep off pace ground game and Kern ended points with his overheads and volleys.   The line 3 players, Rob Ingalls and Allan Tam, split sets, losing a tough first set in a tiebreaker 6-7 but then roared back to take the second set 6-0.   At line 4, Don Liddle and Roger Artley, also split sets, losing a very competitive first set 4-6 and then easily winning the second set 6-2.

The line 1 team of Becky Reiss and Sherry Endicott played a valiant match against two of the Villages top women players winning the first set 6-2 but losing the second set 3-6.
At line 2, Patty Richardson and Margaret King lost their match 2-6, 0-6. Shari Wiseman and Nelly Sawczuk, at line 3, won the first set in a hard fought tiebreaker 7-6 but lost the second set 3-6. Lil Kuhl and Mary Kay McClure, at line 4, lost both their sets 2-6, 0-6.
Mixed Doubles

With the tournament at a 6-6 tie, it would be up to the mixed doubles to determine the outcome.The line 1 team of Bernie Wolf and Linda Davis got a no score default because the Villages were short a player. They played a no score match with another Rossmoor player substituting for the missing Villages player.At line 2, The powerhouse team of Bob and Rena Benz easily won both their sets with heavy serves, hard ground strokes, well placed volleys and overheads 6-2, 6-1.Chris Christopher and Margaret Logwood, playing a line 3, lost the first set 2-6 and a very competitive hard fought second set 5-7.At line 4, Michael and Eppie Ying helped secure Rossmoor’s victory with their decisive 6-0, 6-3 win.

Tournament director Randy Kuhl wants to thank all the volunteers including Sally Nordwall for recording the scores, Ingalls for his assistance in transporting the food to the courts and grilling sausages for lunch, Dave Kern for getting the ice, as well as Lil Kuhl, E. Ying, Loc Barnes, and Irene Wong for their help setting up the food and helping with the clean up.