Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

Prepared by Dave Kern

Oct 2010, rev. Dec2011, Jan2015, Sep2017, Jan2018

NOTE: Prior to the first match of the season, Rossmoor SMIL Coordinator Dave Kern, via email, will provide all team members with League Rules, a SMIL Captains List, and League Schedule. This SOP supplements that information and provides volunteer Rossmoor captains with information to better handle their duties.

Philosophical notes: It’s important to cultivate a good, cooperative relationship with the opposing team captain. Good communication is key: between the Rossmoor captain and opposing team captains, and also with our teammates. REMEMBER, THE LEAGUE WAS FORMED TO MAKE TENNIS AN ENJOYABLE GAME FOR ALL OF US.  LET’S HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE CAMARADERIE.

  1. Communicate with the opposing team captain using email, text or phone, whichever is most effective. In accordance with league rules, the “home captain must contact the visiting captain one week prior to the match to set an agreed start time.”
  2. Communicate with the Rossmoor team via email.
    • about 7-10 days or more prior to the match, announce date, time and place of match and ask team members of their availability to play in the match.
    • at least 4 days prior to the match, select and announce the doubles teams that will play on the day of the match.
    • to keep the team well informed, captains are encouraged to email the results to the entire team as soon as possible after the match is complete.
    • NOTE: It is totally at the discretion of the captain how he decides to pick the teams.  However, per League Rules, “play your teams in order of their strength so it’s fun for everyone.”
  3. Game Day
      • Note.  The home team is responsible for supplying tennis balls and lunch (food and beverage).
      • post notice in the Buckeye kiosk of the upcoming match (date, time and what courts will be reserved) at least one week prior to the match. On match day, every effort should be made to keep two courts open for general use.  Based on a 1/15/18 decision of the RTC board: captains should stagger play when they are fielding more than four lines of players and two courts are being used for clinic, i.e. start four lines and wait to play two lines until clinic courts 1 and 2 become available.  This action will keep two courts open for players not in SMIL matches and not participating in clinics.
      • book the match time slots in the schedule book in the kiosk several days prior to the match.
      • get tennis balls, one new can per match. The RTC tournaments chair (Chris Slee for 2018) has the balls.
      • buy food and drink, enough for all participants; having too much is better than running out.  Keep receipts and contact team treasurer Bernie Wolf to get reimbursement.
      • greet opposing team captain; pair up the teams and respective courts.
      • meet players at designated time and place, e.g. Gateway parking lot, and car pool to away courts.  Ensure all drivers know how to get there.
      • greet opposing team captain; pair up the teams and respective courts.
    • Photograph the team prior to play to submit to Rossmoor News
    • NOTE: Due to inadequate court availability and court fees, several teams, e.g. Walnut Creek #1 & #2, have accepted our invitation to play their home matches at Rossmoor. Like our own home matches, these are played at 11 am and they supply food, drink and tennis balls. The advantage to our team: we don’t have to travel for those matches.
  1. Team practices. The Monday team practices will be supervised by the team captain for the next match. Pairings for all other practices will be random.
  1. Publicity. The captain is responsible for taking and forwarding a team photo and reporting the details of the match to the RTC Publicity Chair so that he/she can include the match in next Rossmoor News article. The details include, but are not limited to: who won; when, who and where the match was played; and names of Rossmoor players and their scores, and other “color” commentary that enhances reader enjoyment. For 2018, men’s team member Dave Blanchard is the Publicity Chair.
    • NOTE: To keep the team informed, the captain should notify the team of the match scores ASAP after the match.

Tips and ideas for a successful home match

  1. Acquisition of food, drink and ice for home matches is selected at the discretion of the team captain. Generally, the choice is either BBQ or sub sandwiches. The main dish may be supplemented by platters of fruit or veggies, various salads, chips, one or two packages of cookies, etc. If subs are the choice, ensure footlongs are sliced complete through in about 8 pieces. Buy soft drinks/beer as needed. If BBQ is the choice, the team captain must contact a “certified grillmeister” for cooking duties and purchase the appropriate food and condiments, e.g. hot dogs, buns, relish, mustard, ketchup, chopped onions, etc.
    • If using the BBQ, and the gas tank runs out, the Grillmeister should get the fresh tank from the shed, and the captain should get a volunteer to take the empty and exchange it for a new one. Exchange tanks are available at RiteAid.  The captain is responsible for ensuring that the tank is replaced. For reimbursement, submit receipts to the team treasurer.
  1. The team should NOT supply bottled water. Tap water is available at Buckeye. The captain may remind the opposing team captain that they bring their own water bottles.
  1. Ice to chill drinks is available free at the Dollar and Creekside clubhouses. The captain may also purchase bags of ice at Safeway. Dave Kern will typically pick up ice for all home matches unless he is out of town.
  1. As a guideline, food and drink for one home match should cost no more than $60-100, on the low end for 4 lines and on the high end for 6 or 7 lines. If that amount is expected to be exceeded, the captain should discuss the expense with the team treasurer.
  1. Inventory. The Rossmoor Tennis Club buys and stores in the social area storage shed and under-counter cabinets much of the supplies that are needed to serve lunch for home games, e.g. paper goods, plastic utensils, ice chests, etc. Inventory these before the match and contact the appropriate Club rep if there is a shortfall. Also, inventory the supply of our own soft drinks and beer before buying more. Remember, unlike perishable food, having more drinks than needed is okay because surplus can be stored and used for future home matches.
  1. Cleanup. The captain is responsible for cleaning up the social area after the home match. To keep coolers free of mold, please remove all mosture and store them without lids closed. To limit insect or pest infestation, please do not store parrishable food at Buckeye whether or not they’ve been opened.

Questions regarding this SOP or other SMIL questions may be directed to Rossmoor SMIL Team Coordinator Dave Kern or Team Treasurer Bernie Wolf.