Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

The RTC Website was launched today with a presentation by >>>


At the August 2014 board meeting, an RTC information Technology Committee was formed.   It has had two major objectives during the last three months.   First, members of the committee have attempted to collect many of the club's various forms of information into a central location.   Eg. calendar information, newspaper articles, event flyers, pictures from events, and administrative documents.   Second, was the development of a basic website to provide ready access to the club's information.


  • The RTC website is meant to be "informational" not "conversational".   It is not intended to be a chat room or a form of social media.   The software used will provide for interactive components to be added later should that become a requirement.
  • Personal information is "sanitized" due to the public nature of the internet.   Please bring exceptions to our attention.
  • Board members and a few volunteers have "log-in" access to the site for two purposes:
    • to maintain the website; each page on the site is "owned" and "maintained" by one of the officers or volunteers.
    • to provide access to a number of administrative documents used to conduct the club's business.
  • Members at the presentation were asked to remember that the development and maintenance of the website is a volunteer effort by the club's officers and volunteers.   We have no clubhouse, no manned kiosk, no 24/7 tech support.   Your selective constructive comments provided to the club's officers will be welcomed, and many may be implemented over time.


  • Considerable effort has gone into keeping visitors to the site from becoming disoriented.   There's not a lot of "stuff" jumping up at you.   The few unavoidable exceptions were pointed out at the presentation.
  • The website's menu system is designed to be (almost) always visible as a means to finding one's way around.
  • Repetitive topics are presented in "blog" format to facilitate visitors' attempts to find what they're looking for.   A brief introduction to each of several similar topics is shown along with a "Read more ..." button that will take you to a full page.
  • Long pages are sometimes broken up using a "Table Of Contents".   An "All Pages" option allow viewing the entire page at once.

Calendar Page

  • Items to be added to or amended on the calendar should be brought to the attention of the appropriate board member.
  • Individual events can be seen in more detail by clicking on them.   Weekly, monthly, and agenda views are available.
  • A few cautions regarding links and event truncation were pointed out during the presentation.

Scheduled Events Pages

The Rossmoor Tennis Club is "event" oriented. Date-specific previous and planned future events are presented in this section and grouped together under tennis, social, or administrative categories.   As information becomes available for planned future events (or for past events, for that matter), those events will be updated. Following events' occurrence, there may be additional commentary added by the event's planners as well as photos taken during the event.

Tennis and Social Pages

These pages contains general explanations of the various types of events the club sponsors.

Blog Pages

  • President's Blog --- is provided as a means for the president to focus on several topics over time.   Additions to each blog item can keep members up to date on what's going on with a particular topic.
  • Publicist's Blog --- is essentially a replication of Rossmoor News articles, but with the added benefits of (usually) being available sooner, and containing higher quality photographs than appear in the Rossmoor News.

About RTC Pages

  • Membership --- includes membership form
  • Facilities and Services --- explanation of the maintenance responsibilities
  • Organization --- reproduced from the Membership Directory
  • History --- Kerin Baker has committed to producing an RTC Club history from a vast collection of available pictures and articles
  • Tennis Links --- additional suggestions would be appreciated and can be added over time
  • Local Rules --- reproduced from the Membership Directory
  • USTA Rules --- reproduced from the Membership Directory
  • Website Help --- offers some hints on navigating, printing, downloading forms, etc.