Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Mon, Oct 21, 2024

Board / Admin Minutes

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RTC Monthly Board
Monday, January 18, 2021, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 760
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Larry Barclay

President - Larry Barclay

  • Roll Call - all present
  • Welcome new board with special welcome to newest member Al Peters who gave us a short bio
  • 2020 Service Awards: Annual Service awards previously presented to family of Barbara Schwartz. Service award also presented to Bernie Wolf. Amy highlighted his accomplishments (and support of his wife Lana). Announcement will be in next Rossmoor News

Vice President - Al Peters

  • No Report

Secretary - Joyce Decker  

  • MOTION to approve Minutes from November 2020 and December 2020. APPROVED

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • Report sent to Board via email. Explained placing cost of backboard into 2020 account and using old uncashed checks as donation income

Tournaments - Chris Slee

  • No Report

Social - David Hickey

  • Still waiting to be reimbursed for cancelled 2020 events 

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • 2021 Membership at 194
  • Directory is being prepared and will be sent to Diablo Print
  • Can three non resident tennis club members play in Rossmoor at this time? discussed, waived decision at this time

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • Backboard painting completed by volunteers
  • Backboard flashing almost complete
  • Tennis balls in storage shed cannot be used by members. Shed to remain locked due to Covid issues
  • Non members can use the practice backboard

Publicity - Amy Bollinger

  • Articles will continue to be released to Rossmoor News

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • Renewed site hosting for 2021
  • Completed year end roll over of 2020 members into 2021. Procedures are documented in the Help section of the site
  • Web site training for new board members. Larry will set up Zoom technology session.

Old Business

  • Drop-in Tennis: Suggest changing "Open Tennis" on website to be titled "Drop-in Tennis" to make it a more casual connotation. Larry asking for volunteers to be present at the drop in times to help facilitate procedure.  Amy will include notice of how it works along with membership contact to news articles.

New Business

  • Backboard Sound Issue: Jeff Matheson (GRF) has contacted First Serve to see if anything can be done to quiet sound. Larry will ask  Matheson if he has had any response. Homeowner complaint will not be responded to any further at this time
  • MOTION to spend $150.00 to purchase unlimited Zoom program. APPROVED. Larry will sign up the Zoom contract. Chris and Larry to see about linking this to the club gMail account, rather than a private account
  • Discussed dedicating new backboard in memory of Marcia Perry. All in favor, Jerry will research appropriate sign to add
  • Larry, Dave and Ken will register for new bank signatures for club. Notation for Mechanics bank: Joyce Decker is secretary and overrides signature of Barbara Schwartz (deceased)

Next Meeting ... see Board / Admin Calendar on this site

Location Virtual Zoom