Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

Board / Admin Minutes

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Monthly RTC Board Meeting
Monday, October 17, 2022, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 715
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Larry Barclay

President - Larry Barclay

  • Rollcall. all present except Terry

Vice President - Al Peters

  • No report

Secretary - Barbara Landberg --minutes from last meeting approved

  • A condolence card was sent to Chris Bang on 9/21 on behalf of the tennis club

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • There is $11,124.62  in the bank account

Tournaments - Chris Slee

  • Sat. Oct.22nd there will be 12 women and 12 men playing at The Villages in San Jose and lunch will be provided.
  • Nov. 5th will be a tournament of all champions from matches this year
  • perhaps we should think of fewer tournaments and alternating women's and men's doubles next year

Social - David Hickey

  • A successful Octoberfest BBQ run by Frank Haswell
  • Lenny Cook presented with two BBQ aprons
  • Planning for the Holiday Party is underway any suggestions? Becky Reiss working on art work for publicity
  • Dave will prepare the social calendar for 2023 but it can be adjusted 

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • The membership is growing

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • There were  about 2,056 players using the courts this month or about 68 per day
  • awaiting reply on maintenance of ball machine
  • there were some problems with the net on court 5 and it was suggested to get white zip ties
  • there was interest in trying out shade awnings that attach to chain link fence perhaps GRF would pay for it

Publicity - Amy Bollinger

  • Big changes coming to Rossmoor News--they will accept only 2 articles per month and expect 2 weeks lead time
  • Due to big issues with paper, ink, and delivery starting in 2023 or 2024 the Rossmoor News will be online only

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • transitioning to a new system Joonla 4
  • don't renew zoom subscription

Old Business

  • Service Awards for long term commitments 
  • Al will take service award plaques to printer

New Business

  • 2023 Directors Nominations Update and discussion of candidates
  • 1)  The board voted to keep keep 2023 membership fees at $30. and ball machine at $35. for the year. 
  • Send an e blast that membership is growing and Board voted not to raise rates!
    2) 2023 application online needs to be updated and change half year fees from June 1 to July 1.
    3)  send out email blast to renew early November
    There was discussion about dwindling numbers using the ball machine clinics and maybe reassessing the times and ways they are used 

Larry adjourned the meeting at 2:50. 

Next Meeting ...November 21st at Fairway Room in Creekside.

Location Creekside Bunker Room