Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

Board / Admin Minutes

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Monthly RTC Board Meeting [General]
From Monday, March 20, 2023 -  01:30pm
To Monday, February 20, 2023 - 03:00pm
Hits : 527
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Al Peters

President - Al Peters

Roll Call--all present except Ike Ichikawa and Linda Hague

Approval of Minutes

Open Forum

resurfacing of courts on hold until head of recreation is appointed

Dave Kern asked about donating old tennis racquettes to W.C. Recreation, or Heather Farms, or some cities with greater need. Laura will follow up

Vice President - Emily Van Vleet

  • Status on review/update of RTC website Emily, Laura, and Terry have been looking at updating the website and Chris Slee has made some changes. RTC Members were asked to look at website and make suggestions

Secretary - Barbara Landberg

  • Get well cards were sent to Jane Sacknowitz and Mary Hickey who had surgery, and a condolence note was sent to Don Liddle on the passing of his partner, Angie Dometrovich

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • Tennis Club Report for Jan. 1, 2023  through March 18, 2023
    Summary Statement        
          Actual Budget Difference
      Ball Machine   2,265.00 2,700.00 -435.00
      Membership Dues   6,135.00 6,900.00 -765.00
      Social Events Income   2,460.00 5,000.00 -2,540.00
      Other Income   0.00 0.00 0.00
    Total Income   10,860.00 14,600.00 -3,740.00
      Operating Expenses   1,797.71 3,400.00 -1,602.29
      Social Event Expenses   3,217.81 9,900.00 -6,682.19
      Club Match/Tournament Expenses 34.76 1,300.00 -1,265.24
    Total Expenses   5,050.28 14,600.00 -9,549.72
    Net Income   5,809.72 0.00 5,809.72
      Checking Balance: 1-1-2023   $10,300.33     
      Checking Balance: 3-18-2023   $16,110.05    
    We have approximately $2,000 per month to spend for the remaining 8 months

Tournaments - Iekuni "Ike" Ichikawa

  • Wild Card Tournament April 1 Rick Sterling will be in charge and passed around a sign up
  • The tournament will start at 10 and be followed by a barbeque
  • Who is running the Villages Tournament on April 15th? WE NEED TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE 
  • Al will check with Ike

Social - Laura Townsend

The Crab Fest was a huge success with 90 people and cost the club $800. 

April Fools Party at Buckeye 

It is open to all members and will start at noon following the Wild Card Tournament. RTC will be providing hamburgers and veggie burgers. People will be asked to RSVP to an invitation so the committee can determine the amount of food to purchase. Members should bring drinks, an April Fool's joke, and food to share.

On May 6th there will be a Cinco de Mayo party with the club providing Margaritas and fillings for tacos to add to meat or fish that people bring. That will be Saturday evening and an e mail invitation will be sent out.

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • 206 members
  • 68 Ball Machine Users
  • Last year we had 236 members and our insurance is based on that number but the number will probably increase

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • Feb court usage --  1240 people signed up
  • repair damage to court 6 where there had been a big pile of mud 
  • GRF came the next day  and placed a roll of hay to block off the run off of water
    • It was suggested that Jerry could write a letter for Rossmoor News from RTC praising the fast action of the GRF in addressing the water problem on the tennis court

Publicity - Linda Hague

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • Many people are not going to the website which needs to be updated.
  • Articles that Linda Hague writes could be on the website
  • Do we need a web site manager?
  • If we hire someone it  will probably cost $1500-$2500.
  • We need an easier, friendlier website and one that allows people to pay on line
  • e mail blasts should come from the website and articles should go to one person
  • We should look at other clubs' websites  that might be a model
  • Next meeting we will discuss this further

Old Business

  • No update on resurfacing of tennis courts--all actions delayed until a new person is hired to take Jeff Matheson's position
  • No update on installing awnings on tennis courts
  • Lights at buckeye picnic area in process, Bob Benz will be installing them
  • Defibrillator at Buckeye delayed til person is hired
  • Payments on line discussed with web site

New Business

  • Raffle was held for 3 hats and visors with RTC logo. 50 were purchased and can be obtained for $15. each.

The general meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m. The next meeting will be at 1:30 in the Bunker Room on April 17th.

Location Creekside Fairway Room