Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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RTC General Meeting
Monday, July 17, 2017, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 429
by zz Ronald Wyman

RTC General Meeting July 17, 2017
Meeting Minutes

President - Ron Wyman.

  • New Members introduction - no new members were at general meeting
  • Approval of June board meeting minutes.   The board approved the June minutes
  • Larry Barclay introduction of a special RTC member.  The meeting was interrupted with the permission of the board to allow Larry Barclay to introduced a special guest,  Marie Hoge, who is the widow of Charles Hoge who was largely responsible for the establishment of the Rossmoor Tennis Club even though he did not live in Rossmoor.    Marie Hoge is a resident of Rossmoor and has been a long time member of the RTC.   Mrs. Hoge shared pictures of her husband playing with the original Rossmoor Tennis Club players.

Vice President - Bernie Wolf

  • Calcutta Tennis Event update.  Bernie Wolf spoke about the Calcutta tournament to be held September 15,16, and 17.  On Friday night during drinks and snacks teams will be chosen from the 16 men and 16 women who have signed up.  At 6PM bidding on teams will begin.  The whole package of events over the three days will cost each player $20.  Non-players attending on Friday night will pay $5.  Spectators on Saturday who want lunch will also pay $5.
  • Dave Sperry added the following announcements.  To play in the Calcutta tournament, one does not have to be a strong player as players are handicapped to create a level playing field.  To enter the tournament, the application and money must come in together.  It is not necessary to play to buy ownership in a team.

Secretary - Les Hoskyns

  • Les was on vacation
  • The RTC website has undergone its third major revision.  An interactive calendar featuring upcoming events and an easier-to-use history format are among the changes made.
  • Ron Wyman set up a demonstration of the new website, the slide show and the new calendar at the meeting and invited everyone to see it after the meeting. 
  • Chris Slee went into how the new calendar was the core of the website and how easy it is to use.

Treasurer - Barbara Schwartz

  • Barbara’s Financial Report
  • Treasurer Barbara Schwartz reported that the club has a balance of $9,029.14 and that the social events have come in under budget.

Tournaments - Bob McGowan

  • Bob was on vacation.  Ron Wyman spoke on the following:
  • Rossmoor Games on 9/2 update: The club will use their scheduled Sept. 2 Wild Card tournament for RTC’s  participation in the Rossmoor Games.  Small token medals will be given to the winners, and potential spectators will be encouraged to attend.
  • Tournament at Trilogy on 8/19:  On August 19 Rossmoor will play Trilogy on their courts.  Twelve men and 12 women will be needed to play four men's doubles, four women's doubles and four mixed doubles.  Sign-up sheets will be posted in the kiosk in the next couple of days.
  • Wednesday Free Clinic update:  The number of participants in the Wednesday free clinic is increasing.  There are 45 minutes of instruction followed by 45 minutes of supervised play.   A discussion followed about the idea of having a series of lessons, progressing through the basics of tennis as a means of encouraging consistent attendance.  These lessons would be open to all Rossmoor residents but not to outside guests.
  • Discussions about adding a Ball Machine Clinic:    The plans for using the ball machine for tennis training was discussed.    Sherry Endicott has volunteered to be an instructor.    At the meeting, Eugenio Ovalle, Chris Slee, Bernie Wolf and Dave Sperry also volunteered. Friday at 10AM appears to be a good time for all volunteers.  We now need an instruction plan and regiment.

Social - Carol Pillsbury

  • Update on the 2017 RTC Annual Picnic:  Carol Pillsbury reported that the social committee's annual summer picnic was successful.   It was attended by 103 people.    Thanks were given to Amy and Robin Bollinger for their outstanding efforts and for coming in under budget.  New members that attended the picnic were introduced and recognized .
  • Update on Saturday BBQs:   The turnout for the regular Saturday summer BBQ  has been increasing.  There will be another special Saturday BBQ with a Jimmy Buffett theme and free margaritas on August 5, 2017.

Membership - Larry Fredricks

  • Larry’s membership report - new member update - There are 219 paying members and 45 members paying for the ball machine.
  • Contact list of new members:  Larry gave Ron a list of current new members and said that it looked like more were coming.

Facilities - Rolf Kvalvik

  • Rolf’s Facilities Report: No issues.

Publicity - Joan Warner

  • Joan’s Publicity Report:  The club is trying to increase participation by increased publicity, with longer, more informative articles in the Rossmoor News.
  • A number of members mentioned that the article written by Chris Slee was very entertaining.

Old Business

  • No new business.

New Business - Comments from Barbara Blum and Lenny Cook

  • Barbara Blum:  On August 5-13 the Moraga Country club will sponsor a tournament.   The players are of a very high level and very worthwhile seeing.  Entry is free.
  • Lenny Cook announced that Fred Barnes took a bad split near a 100' drop and was stopped by him and Loc Barnes.  He was badly bruised but had no broken bones or torn muscles.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:24PM

Next Board Meeting --- August 21, 2017 --- Creekside Complex --- Bunker Room

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01:30PM - 03:00PM
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