Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 26, 2024

Monthly Calendar

Monday, October 15, 2018, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
This repeat is an exception to the normal repeat pattern
Hits : 1299
by RTC Secretary

RTC Board Meeting --- October 15, 2018 --- Minutes

President - Bernie Wolf

  • Approval of last month's board meeting minutes
  • Ron Wyman updated the board on options available for a tennis backboard
  • Bernie will submit estimated costs to GRF to determine how much GRF will help with a purchase
  • Barbara Schwartz reminded us all that we do not have the funds to proceed on our own at this time

Vice President - Carol Pillsbury

  • RTC policy re non-resident members was discussed.
  • We currently have four non-resident members who have been "grandfathered" in with full membership privileges
  • Bernie will clarify our policy to some members who are concerned about our non-resident members' privileges

Secretary - Les Hoskyns

  • Secretary's report

Treasurer - Barbara Schwartz

  • Treasurer's report
  • Barbara reminded us all that things will be tight budget-wise through the end of the year

Tournaments - Chris Slee - away

  • Tournaments report
  • Compliments to Chris for our new rotation cards that simplify tournament play

Social - Marian "Cinnamon" Renvall - away

  • Social report
  • We reminded ourselves about additional publicity needed for the Halloween Team-Tennis-Format Tournament on Saturday October 27th at 9:00 AM
  • We reminded ourselves about additional publicity needed for the New Members Cocktail on Saturday October 20th at Stanley Dollar

Membership - Larry Fredricks

  • Membership report - 227 members with 49 ball machine users

Facilities - Bill Van Wagoner

  • Facilities report - our BBQ event is humming along

Publicity - Dave Blanchard

  • Publicity report - reported that the 2018 Event History section of the website has been brought fully up to date

RTC Information Technology Committee - Chris Slee - away

  • Information Technology report
  • Les reported that some aerial still photography will be added to the website.   He reminded us of the potential we have in our Google account for video content using our (free) YouTube account.
  • We discussed the possibility of including biographical features on the website featuring some of our members' very interesting avocations (cross-country cycling, painting instruction, automobile restoration, ceramics, raptor training, etc.)   The board approved (assuming that sufficient content is available from at least several members).   Les will explore further.

Old Business

  • Old Business items - none discussed

New Business

  • Service Awards for this Year were discussed, determined, and will be announced at our year-end Holiday Party
  • The nominating Committee submitted three candidates for next year's RTC Board; Bob Cowan, Ken Steiner, and Terry Quinlan.
  • Additional board nominees can be put forward at our General Membership Meeting on November 19th

Next General Meeting - November 19, 2018 - Creekside, Fairway Room

Location Bunker Room

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16 Dec 2024
01:30PM - 03:00PM
Monthly RTC Board Meeting