Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Ad-Hoc Board Meeting
Saturday, May 02, 2020, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Hits : 899
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Dave Blanchard

To discuss re-opening the courts

All members participated in virtual meeting to discuss how best to guide members in the proposed usage of tennis courts during the reopening.

In conjunction with GRF and the USTA rules the tennis board discussed the following: 

courts open May 5; New guidelines will be posted on line and at each court. 

Items discussed: gates will be open by spring loaded closure; how to reserve court without sign up sheet and limit of 1 hour use; no rotation of players; taping off seating options and picnic area; no ball machine; methods of players using only their own balls; no guests; board members presence to facilitate newly posted rules; masks to be worn except while play; importance of compliance so as not to lose privilege.


President - Dave Blanchard

  • Welcome by virtual meeting via zoom

Vice President - Larry Barclay

  • Further review of social membership with budget consideration- suggest a $20 offering, discussed, tabled

Secretary - Joyce Decker

  • no report

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • Little activity, account is healthy

Tournaments - Chris Slee

  • no plans at this time
  • Touched base with the Villages who seem to be doing quite well

Social - David Hickey

  • No commitment of future social at this time. suggest subsidizing special party when community is safe

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • 189 members of which 52 are Ball Machine Users
  • 3 non residents, down from four last year
  • all the directories handed out
  • discussed adding date of membership to directory

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • Facilities are closed and locked  
  • Monthly usage Jan. 36, Feb. 44. Feb. 42
  • Checked new leaf blower, ok

Publicity - Rowena Slee

  • suggestions of keeping tennis info in newspaper: award trophy picture, 2020 award winners, info on Barbara Schwartz passing

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • FYI: RTC is still subjected to attacks but the CleanTalk software installed last year is blocking them

Old Business

  •  Report

New Business

Purchase of New Balls for Ball Machine - discuss whether the balls currently used with the ball machine are in such bad condition as to require replacement by the purchase of  new balls. Motion approved to purchase new balls!

Discussion about sending a memorial gift to Barbara Schwartz's family. Motion approved to donate $100 to Rossmoor Fund per Barbara's wishes

Discuss how to safeguard contact with balls after the restart: one suggestion, every brings their own marked balls and serve with their own ONLY.

Next Meeting ... see Board / Admin Calendar on this site

Location Virtual Zoom

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