Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sun, Oct 20, 2024

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Monthly RTC Board Meeting
Monday, September 18, 2023, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 600
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Al Peters

President - Al Peters

  • Call Meeting to Order --All present except Linda Hague who is away, and Rick Sterling was present in place of Ike.
  • August Minutes approved
  • Open Forum  (Limit to 5 minutes per person)

Vice President - Emily Van Vleet

  • Initiate discussion on structure of current Board of Directors and current outline of the duties of officers ( see New Business re: nominating committee)

Secretary - Barbara Landberg

  • A condolence card was sent to Eileen Plotkin on the passing of her husband

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • Tennis Club Report for Jan. 1, 2023  through Sept. 16, 2023
    Summary Statement        
          Actual Budget Difference
      Ball Machine   2,632.50 2,700.00 -67.50
      Membership Dues   6,735.00 6,900.00 -165.00
      Social Events Income   2,460.00 5,000.00 -2,540.00
      Other Income   180.00 0.00 180.00
    Total Income   12,007.50 14,600.00 -2,592.50
      Operating Expenses   3,153.55 3,400.00 -246.45
      Social Event Expenses   4,540.84 9,900.00 -5,359.16
      Club Match/Tournament Expenses 650.50 1,300.00 -649.50
    Total Expenses   8,344.89 14,600.00 -6,255.11
    Net Income   3,662.61 0.00 3,662.61
      Checking Balance: 1-1-2023   $10,300.33     
      Checking Balance: 9-16-2023   $13,962.94    

Tournaments - Iekuni "Ike" Ichikawa  (Rick Sterling) will be running the October Wild Card Tournament

  • Orinda Woods tournament was cancelled as, Orinda Woods did not have enough players.  Becky Reiss will contact John Bockman to try to reschedule for mid-November.  She will also discuss scheduling home and away tournaments in 2024.

Social - Laura Townsend

  • Consider cancelling the December Holiday Party, as no one has volunteered, and people are too busy at that time of year.
  • Instead, consider holding a Wild Card tournament in late November or early December followed by a RTC hosted holiday brunch.
  • Consider holding RTC BBQ's only once or twice a month during the Spring and Summer months rather than weekly.  
  • Consider having a theme where RTC provides something at the BBQ at least monthly.
  • Discussion about having a much simpler holiday party on Dec. 18th and having it free with raffles and rewards
  • We should hire people to pass food, wash dishes, and clean up
  • Have honey-baked ham and one other dish (vegetarian)?and people bring a favorite recipe to share and not have to pay
  • Octoberfest is this weekend and the final BBQ of the season. About 30 people have signed up.

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • 226 members
  • 78 ball machine users

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • a defibrilator is in the budget for 2024
  • GRF was moving forward to purchase and install 3 awnings but nothing is included in the 2024 budget for awnings

Publicity - Linda Hague

  • No Report

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • No Report

Old Business

  • Update on resurfacing of tennis courts--we can not do 2 courts at a time it does not make sense financially
  • Ann Motolla has informed me that the 2024 budget request will include the cost of a defibrillator.
  • Update on the Wild Apricot management software project.--people are working on migrating information into the new system
  •  All board members will need to be trained.

New Business

  • Appoint a Nominating Committee to by chaired by Larry Barclay.
  • Laura will become VP and there are openings for Facilities and Social chairs
  • Consider promoting Eugenio Ovalle and Sherry Endicott's free clinics on RTC's website.  
  • Sneakers&Spikes/golf tournament was cancelled.  It was decided to drop the tournament for now.
  • Sunday Drop-in has drawn 10 or more participants each time.  Should RTC do more to promote the activity? It should be added to the website.
  • Al made an extensive list of all the tournaments , BBQs, and Social Events for 2024

Next Meeting ... 

Monday, October 16th at 1:30 in the Creekside Bunker Room.  The Directory states the meeting is on the 23rd but that is incorrect. 

Location Creekside Bunker Room

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16 Dec 2024
01:30PM - 03:00PM
Monthly RTC Board Meeting