President: Mark Patterson called the meeting of the Rossmoor Tennis Club to order at 1:30PM on Monday October 20, 2014 in the Ivy Room at the Stanley Dollar Club House.
Present: Mark Patterson, Dick Normington, Dave Kern, Barbara Schwartz, Loc Barnes, Barbara Phillips and Susanne Eldridge. Absent: Randy Kuhl and Bill Sederowitz. Guest: Les Hoskyns
Treasurer: Barbara Schwartz reported that the club is financially strong with a checkbook balance of $13,306.60 as of October 19, 2014.
Vice President: Dick Normington reported on the Rule R106 changes. The GRF Policy Committee will keep the 'tennis etiquette' phrase intact but will change 'proper tennis attire' to read 'shirts must be worn at all times and tennis shoes must have non-marking soles'. The social area, including the BBQ, will be administered by the GRF Recreation Department, and usage will be on a reservation only basis. The RTC will have first choice of usage. The final version of Rule R106 is still pending.
Court Engineer/Supplies: Bill Sederowitz absent.
Social Area Committee: Saturday BBQs are ongoing weather permitting. Due to a recent incident at the social area, the board would like to remind the membership that if you use the social area, it must be left in the same condition as you found it. This means please remove any decorations you might have put up, make sure all trash is properly discarded, and the area is left clean. Also, per GRF rules, use of the social area, like the tennis courts, is limited to daylight hours only.
Shed/Ball Machine Committee: Jeff Matheson has advised RTC that the contractor hired to do the drainage project can pour the slab for our shed. The cost is estimated to be about $1500.00 and RTC will have to reimburse GRF for the cost. The board voted to go ahead with the pouring of the slab, and approved to reimburse the GRF up to $1800.00. Yardsticks have been purchased for each court to help check the height of the nets.
Secretary: Susanne Eldridge nothing to report.
Vice President/Trophies Report: Dick Normington requested that a new plaque for 'Service Awards' names be purchased, and the board approved the purchase. In addition, there was discussion of rearranging the plaques on the wall in the Ivy Room, in order to place current plaques in a more prominent position.
Publicity: Dave Kern will not be available to do publicity items for the Rossmoor News as of October 24, although he will remain on the board until his term expires in December.
Facilities and Maintenance: Jerry McConnell absent
Sunshine: Nancy McConnell absent.
Social: Loc Barnes reported that the room reservation requests for 2015 have been submitted. After discussion, the board decided to keep December 19, 2015 as the date for the Holiday Party at the Fireside Room, rather than trying to get the Event Center on a different date.
Membership and Reservations: Joyce Niebur absent. The application form for membership renewal for 2015 has been e-mailed to the membership.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 PM.