Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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This Week

Monday, April 16, 2018, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
This repeat is an exception to the normal repeat pattern
Hits : 893
by RTC Secretary

RTC Board Meeting --- April 16, 2018 --- Minutes

President - Bernie Wolf

  • Bernie asked for and received approval of last month's General Meeting minutes
  • Bernie  provided an update on the RTC Ball Machine Clinic.   This event is proceeding very well with considerable help from (in no particular order) Bill Van Wagoner, Sherry Endicott, Dave Sperry, Ron Wyman, Chris Slee, Bernie Wolf,  and others.
  • Bernie led a discussion about a possible backboard installation.  Eugenio Ovalle augmented the discussion with handouts, prices, and other details.   Discussion of possible location concluded that the fence dividing courts 1 and 2 would allow errant balls to be readily retrieved from a court rather than bushes, a creek bed, or the golf course.
  • Eugenio and Ron will pursue further for a presentation to the board at next month's board meeting.  We need to look at cost,  club member's interest and how much they  might be willing to contribute to this project.  Then we can present to GRF at December meeting for approval for 2019 budget
  • Bernie will arrange for an email reminder later this year regarding a reduced ball machine usage fee for those signing up late in the year.

Vice President - Carol Pillsbury

  • No Report

Secretary - Les Hoskyns

  • Les explained some difficulty we're having using Google's online photo hosting of RTC photos and that we're now transferring approximately 600 historical photos to our website hosting servers.

Treasurer - Barbara Schwartz

  • Barbara reported that the club's finances are doing well

Tournaments - Chris Slee - Away

  • Bernie and others provided an update on our recent Villages tournament.   Special recognition and appreciation were offered to Chris and Rowena Slee.

Social - Marian "Cinnamon" Renvall

  • Cinnamon provided an update on our upcoming Kentucky Derby Party that is being co-hosted with 2 other clubs.
  • Carol Pillsbury noted that our participation in the Kentucky Derby Party is different from the other two clubs' participation in that we have assured that the RTC has no financial loss exposure
  • Carol Pillsbury noted that changing Rossmoor demographics and over-saturation with Rossmoor social opportunities have been and continue to be the reasons for our offering fewer social events than in prior years

Membership - Larry Fredricks

  • Larry provided an update of latest club and ball machine numbers
  • A discussion about RTC membership new signups and renewals is addressed below under New Business

Facilities - Bill Van Wagoner

  • Bill provided update on Buckeye court gates and drinking fountains.   More assistance will be requested from GRF Maintenance.
  • Bill led a discussion on renovating and moving one or perhaps two bleacher structures to better locations.   Many agreed that more seating during inter-club tournaments would be beneficial.   Bill will follow up with GRF and report at next month's meeting.

Publicity - Dave Blanchard

  • Dave's updating of slideshow content is going well and will accommodate the improving quality and volume of writing and photography being provided to him by team captains.
  • Dave briefly discussed the possibility of adding more RTC membership outreach content in articles being sent to the Rossmoor News including links to website
  • Dave will put in Rossmoor News something about reduced membership and ball machine fees after 9/1/2018 (to be published in August 2018)

RTC Information Technology - Chris Slee - Away

  • The RTC Information Technology Committee will meet this coming month
  • Les explained that communication about events is more and more centered on our website.   He urged those responsible for tennis and social events to provide information early and with frequent updates as more becomes known during the planning of these events.

Old Business

  • No new business discussed

New Business

  • Les reintroduced the need for enhanced membership outreach efforts at the board level.   The idea of having a standing RTC Membership Outreach Committee was discussed.   He suggested that such a committee: hold regular meetings, assign themselves specific tasks, seek help from RTC members as appropriate, and measure the success of their efforts against membership metrics.   This would be a permanent standing RTC committee.
  • The board discussed who would supervise such a committee.   No board member volunteered to be responsible for forming and supervising such a committee "at this time".
  • Further discussion of this issue was deferred to next month's meeting.

Next Board Meeting - May 21, 2018 - Creekside, Bunker Room

Location Bunker Room

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16 Dec 2024
01:30PM - 03:00PM
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