Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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RTC Board Meeting OPEN
Monday, July 16, 2018, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
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Hits : 1221
by RTC Secretary

RTC General Meeting --- July 16, 2018 --- Agenda

President - Bernie Wolf

  • Bernie called meeting to order and approved the minutes from June Meeting.
  • Approximately 16 member in attendance and 7 board members (excused absent are Les and Chris).
  • Briefly mentioned Wednesday Clinic and Friday Ball Machine Clinic are doing well with about 10-15 participants.
  • Thanks to coaching on Wednesday by Eugene Ovalle and Marcia Perry; on Friday by Sherry Endicott.
  • Mentioned new windscreens installed by GRF look great.

Vice President - Carol Pillsbury

  • No report this month
  • Carol brought lost and found items to meeting.
  • Reminded attendees of containers under kiosk for used balls only (not for ball cans=go in recycle).

Secretary - Les Hoskyns - away

  • Secretary's Report --- Bernie recorded this meeting's minutes

Treasurer - Barbara Schwartz

  • Treasurer's report-update on budget status
  • Barbara circulated the budget to attendees

Tournaments - Chris Slee - away

  • In Chris's absence, Sally Nordwall reported on newcomer's tournament.    14 new members participated and quite a few old club members helped run this successful tournament.
  • Sally thanked Carol Pillsbury and Chris Slee for updating new members on Rossmoor Tennis Club and it's tournaments.  Sally stated "everyone in the tournament was a winner."
  • One RTC member ha suggested moving tournament start time from 9:00 AM to 8:00 AM to avoid hot summer days and people getting heat exhaustion.

Social - Marian "Cinnamon" Renvall

  • Cinnamon requested additional help for upcoming Picnic on July 21st.   Two bartenders and two set-up helpers are needed.
  • Saturday BBQ on 8/18 will be Jimmy Buffet themed: special hamburgers for $5 and free margaritas while they last.  This event was well received last year.

Membership - Larry Fredricks

  • Membership report - Larry mentioned membership is now at 216 and 44 members have signed up for ball machine use.

Facilities - Bill Van Wagoner

  • Bill Van W continues to monitor number of people signing in at kiosk.
  • Courts continue to get lots of use.
  • New windscreens are now in place
  • Bill was recognized for getting new handles on storage sheds (old ones had broken).

Publicity - Dave Blanchard 

  • Publicity report - no items to report
  • Question/s on questionnaire re Publicity

RTC Information Technology Committee - Chris Slee - away

  • No report this month

Old Business

  • Ron Wyman discussed status on backboard investigation and provided handouts.    We first looked at Rally Master but it was too expensive.    The second board he investigated was Bakko distributed by DH (the company that sold us Playmate ball machine).    Price range is $4500-6500 and size he's looking at is 10x16 and 10x20 feet.
  • He prefers urethane which is hi quality and has 10-20 year warranty.    All wood backboards are cheaper but fail sooner and have shorter warranty.
  • Ron's still looking at other options.    We will establish visits to local sites that have backboards to inspect and try them out (for club members or board members interested).
  • Any backboard purchased will probably be installed on court 1 on the fence separating courts 1 and 2.
  • A survey of those attending this meeting found at least 50% favored RTC buying a backboard.    We hope to share cost 50/50 with GRF.

New Business

  • Bernie handed out a member's survey with questions about Club Purchases, Social Events, Membership Directory, Tennis Tournaments, RTC Men's and Women's Teams, and RTC Publicity.    The tabulated results are:
    • Question 1 --- Club Purchases:  none needed; shade awning for courts (#3); misters; ice water dispenser (#2), backboard, refrigerator, sound system for patio area

    • Question 2 --- Social Events:  too many; right number (10)   Comments:  replace summer picnic with Saturday BBQ's, cancel Spring Fling=too much work

    • Question 3 --- Membership Directory:  provide online?  yes (8), no (2);  provide printed via mail?  yes (5), no (2); provide both printed and on line?  yes (6), no (4)

    • Question 4 --- Tennis Tournaments:  Right number? (10); no one marked too many or too few.  Different formats? "yes"; "separate players by skill level"

    • Question 5 --- RTC Men's and Women's Teams:  "fine as is?" (2); "mix non team members with team men's players at practices"

    • Question 6 --- RTC Publicity:  "more in Rossmoor News", "well done, keep the writer", "like the website", "survey how many use the web site", "publicity is fine"
  • The board discussed issue of people playing on our courts while not accompanied by a Rossmoor resident.    The consensus of those present is that this is a "non-issue" unless all courts are in use.    If it becomes an issue it was felt that the board should deal with the problem.     Individual RTC members NEED NOT police who else is playing.
  • It was emphasized that players need to be polite and courteous at all times, even when it appears that guests are playing while not accompanied by a Rossmoor resident.
  • Bernie reminded all RTC members to sign in at the kiosk and make sure everyone else signs in as well.    This is important for keeping our courts for tennis play in the future.

Next Board Meeting - August 20, 2018 - Creekside, Bunker Room

Location - Creekside Complex, Fairway Room

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16 Dec 2024
01:30PM - 03:00PM
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