Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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RTC Board Meeting
Monday, October 19, 2020, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 567
by _RTC Webmaster
Contact Dave Blanchard

President - Dave Blanchard

  • Minutes of Sep 29 minutes approved
  • Minutes of Oct 1 minutes approved
  • Notes
    • GRF reaffirmed it's position per Contra Costa on no doubles due to Covid-19:email blast sent to members
    • GRF position that caregivers are considered non-residents therefore not to play tennis on Buckeye courts: email blast sent to members
  • Carol Pillsbury is working with nominating committee to propose 2021 board nominees
  • GRF board is to hear PickleBall club proposals for new courts at its 10am on 12 November Planning Committee meeting. Jeff Matheson will also present his options for PickleBall courts. We need to prepare a white paper re-affirming our stance against converting tennis courts to PickleBall courts.
    • Discussed this with pickleball leads, don't think that moved them much

Vice President - Larry Barclay

  • Sent email about drop in tennis

Secretary - Joyce Decker

  • no Report

Treasurer - Ken Steiner

  • Issued report to board members and reconciled minor adjustment (in favor of the club)
  • Couple of checks from 2019 have not been cashed

Tournaments - Chris Slee

  • Nothing to report

Social - David Hickey

  • Cancellation of Christmas Party will substantially affect current financials
  • Held Zoom based new members party, 3 ladies have since connected and play together

Membership - Terry Quinlan

  • Discussion about whether we should charge new members $10.00 post September. Board decided to waive fees
  • Non-Rossmoor members: we will roll them over to next year for no additional fees

Facilities - Jerry Quinlan

  • David Hickey informed Eugenio Ovalle about ball machine; he decided not to use it
  • MOD removed all the benches to prevent them being used

Publicity - Rowena Slee

  • Resigned

Information Technology - Chris Slee

  • Will set up vote at rossmoor to support an email blast for board elections in November without a General meeting

Old Business

  •  Report

New Business:

  • November General Meeting
    • Will use an email blast for board elections
    • Terry will find those members with no email address
    • One new member has the wrong email address
  • Ask GRF to let a backboard contract to our contractor choice. Offer to pay half the cost
    • Quote was for a 8x20 wide backboard
    • Larry and Jerry will finalize some plans for 9:30 review Tuesday 19 Oct
  • Waiting to here from Jeff B (GRF) to see if we can use GRF Zoom account
  • 2021 Membership fees
    • Motion: Roll over 2020 Ball Machine fees for paying members into 2021: approved unanimously
    • Roll over 2020 membership fees into 2021 pending cancellation of year end party to be decided
  • Request to hold strengthening class on courts for a limited number of people at a time [Linda Spiegelman]. Not recommended
  • Court Cleaning
    • MOD will spray for spiders in the ball machine shed
  • MOD will put in support for Buckeye tree in social area. Representative surprised it has not been done yet
  • Amy Bollinger has been voted in to fill publicity vacancy via email vote
  • Committee of JQuinlan, TQuinlan, Barclay, Decker recommended backboard go ahead.
  • MOTION to proceed with pursuing permission from GRF to construct a 40'x8' backboard on north fence of court #1 per quote from First Serve Pro of $2800.00; Approved via email vote
Location Virtual Zoom

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01:30PM - 03:00PM
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