Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Sat, Oct 19, 2024

President - Ron Wyman

  • Approval of September Board Meeting Minutes
  • Joan Warner has accepted the Social Director board position

Vice President - Bernie Wolf

  • New board members / positions
    • Bill Van Wagoner --- (possibly) Facilities
    • Dave Blanchard --- (possibly) Publicity
    • Chris Slee --- (possibly) Tournaments
  • Changes in board functions
    • Joan Warner --- (possibly) Social

Secretary - Les Hoskyns

  • Chris Slee sat in for Les
  • Ron Wyman, Chris Slee, Bernie Wolf, and Les Hoskyns met to discuss the transition of RTC's information technology responsibility from Les to Chris.   At that meeting (and at this board meeting) the following were discussed:
    • Member Contact Information --- will be transferred from our Google account to the club's web site.
    • Annual Directory 2019 and beyond --- since membership information will be on the website, the directory will be produced using that information.
    • ((Google Contacts information and Excel templates will be used for the production of the 2018 directory))
    • Main, Prototype, and Spare sites --- RTC's web site hosting contract provides 3 available sites (domains).   One of these is the main site (, a second will continue as our prototype / test site, and the third will be still be available for future use.
    • Member Groups --- members will be able to subscribe to tennis groups, e.g. Women's team B, etc
    • Emails will be generated from the web site for a variety of purposes:
      • General Newsletter Emails --- weekly email newsletters with links back to the web site.
      • Group Newsletter Emails --- newsletters for different interest groups
      • Rossmoor News Emails --- content will be sent to Rossmoor News
      • Personalities Emails --- emails directed to RTC roles like "Court Engineer" etc etc
      • Event Invitation Emails --- invitations / reminders will be emailed to members as events approach.   Updates to events on the web site will be automatically distributed to relevant group/s.
      • ((And probably a few more as time goes by))
    • Event Content --- web content drives everything so... NO content entered means NO content in the newsletters.
    • Event Extras --- extra sections like "Calls for Volunteers" can be included in the event descriptions 
    • Ticketing System --- will accept suggestions and problems associated with the site
    • Online Payments --- will explore use of PayPal (or other payments vendor).  Service fees will apply.

Treasurer - Barbara Schwartz

  • Barbara's Financial Report was presented
  • Barbara explained a new format for the monthly budget report.   A profit from a social event will now show up in the first column as a gain and the third column as a reduction in expenses.
  • Discussion regarding finding a consultant to help update our current bookkeeping procedures.

Tournaments - Bob McGowan

  • Women's Doubles cancelled due to air quality, and was rescheduled for Nov. 18, 2017.
  • Wild Card and other upcoming events were discussed.

Social - Carol Pillsbury

  • Social report
  • Holiday Party Update --- December 11, 2017.  Carol distributed cost breakdown and prices per person.

Membership - Larry Fredricks

  • Membership report
  • New Members update: Larry said total Membership is 224 of which 54 opted for the ball machine

Facilities - Rolf Kvalvik

  • Facilities report
  • Need to periodically cull and replace old balls in the ball machine
  • We will acquire some new side tables
  • GRF will take 2 ADA compliant tables to Rotary Park, leaving RTC with one.  In exchange they will give us two regular picnic tables.

Publicity - Joan Warner

  • Joan recovering from surgery
  • Joan has accepted the Social Directors position for 2018 - 2019.  Dave Blanchard has volunteered to be Publicist.

Old Business

  • Discussion of different ways to secure volunteers for social events
  • Relocating two boxes of RN history and pictures from Mark Patterson home to somewhere else
  • Tennis Clinic using Ball Machine.  Meeting to discuss practice procedures.

New Business

  • Information technology (see discussion above)
  • Further discussion of Tennis Clinic using Ball Machine.   A meeting will be held to discuss practice procedures.

Next General Meeting - November 20, 2017 - Creekside Complex - Fairway Room