Rossmoor Tennis Club

located in Walnut Creek, California

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Monthly Calendar

Monday, November 19, 2018, 01:30pm - 03:00pm
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Hits : 1781
by RTC Secretary

RTC General Meeting --- November 19, 2018 --- Agenda

President - Bernie Wolf

  • Last month's board meeting minutes were approved
  • Bernie reminded members that it's the volunteers who make the club run well --- we have some hard-working volunteers, but we can always use more
  • Update on backboard survey and GRF correspondence.   review results of survey of membership on backboard:
    • about 1/2 members opened survey email
    • of those 1/2 responded (about 50-60)
    • those responses were split 50/50 in favor vs against
    • Some replies suggested fixing court cracks first, getting lights on courts 1 & 2 instead, using courts 7 or 8
    • Bernie advised about the Bakko slim line backboard we had favored and used successfully (at Fremont Hills CC).    He advised ballpark price of $8000 and offer of club paying 1/3 and GRF 2/3.
    • Some members objected that price had not been brought to their attention before now.
    • Bernie discussed current concerns that GRF may want to convert courts 1 and/or 2 to pickle ball
    • We have a meeting soon with Jeff Matheson regarding our court usage statistics
    • Members who play pickle ball have stated Creekside courts may be unusable very soon due to erosion from Tice Creek

Vice President - Carol Pillsbury

  • Carol reminded members of location of lost and found and need to pick up items left on courts to put in that box (door #2)

Secretary - Les Hoskyns - away

  • The club is developing a "Private Scheduled Games" feature for inclusion on the RTC website.
  • This feature provides a centralized place for organizers of regularly scheduled ("private") games to post information about their games, their regular players, known illnesses/injuries, substitutions, etc. going out approximately two months into the future.   Because these listings contain personal contact information (members phone numbers, schedules, etc), RTC Members must log onto the website to view this material.
  • This feature is currently "Under Development", its working as planned, and it now contains information about several games known to the few RTC volunteers who currently maintain the feature.   It is located on the website under "Events / Private Scheduled Games".
  • Members wishing their "Private Scheduled games" to be included in this feature should contact Gery Yearout or Les Hoskyns
  • Gery Yearout gave brief overview of new website ability for Private Scheduled Games.   Requires ability to log on to website of RTC (many members still haven't done this)
  • Players can contact Chris or Les for help logging into the website.

Treasurer - Barbara Schwartz

  • Treasurer's report

Tournaments - Chris Slee - away

  • Many thanks to all the volunteers who have run tournaments
  • Congratulations to Wild Card Champions --- Ed Logwood, Liz Rutter, and Susan Mann
  • The full tournament schedule (as well as past tournament results information) is on the website
  • We need volunteers to run tournaments --- we'll pass around a sign up sheet.
  • Terry Quinlan went over basics of running Wild Card tournament.
  • Chris Slee has been very helpful in making up scorecard to hand to players to show who their partner and opponents are in each round.
  • Tournament coordinators need to call or email players signed up the Monday before a Saturday match.The same person also needs to set up coffee and buy food items needed
  • Terry advised those interested to watch someone else run a tournament to learn the specifics

Social - Marian "Cinnamon" Renvall

  • An update on Holiday Party planning.   The deadline for signing up for Holiday Party is December 08, 2018
  • Report on New Members Cocktail Party last month.   It was a great success.

Membership - Larry Fredricks

  • Next years ("2019 RTC Membership Application") is now available.   We have copies here at the meeting and at the Buckeye kiosk.
  • Dues have increased to $30 per year
  • You can also join or renew by paper or online.    There are multiple ways to join or renew, but each requires mailing (check only) or delivering (check or cash) to Terry Quinlan.
  • An email newsletter and an information page on the website will explain the details.
  • When mailing, we still need a check (payable to Rossmoor Tennis Club) to be sent Terry Quinlan - RTC Membership.   Using checks avoids our paying credit card fees.

Facilities - Bill Van Wagoner

  • Bill went over use of leaf blower.  He is moving it to another shed closer to court #3 which gets the most leaves.  Requires 2x100ft chords.   Looking at possibility of battery operated blower but may be more expensive and may be too heavy for some ladies to handle.
  • Shed on court 1 has been fastened to fence to prevent it from blowing over (and then apart).   Bill plans to do the same for shed outside court #6.

Publicity - Dave Blanchard

  • We've been attempting to provide more current and more complete event reporting on our website.
  • We'll be reporting on even more events in the website so that it contains the latest and greatest
  • The website also contains event history going back to the late 1970s.
  • Event history for 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 is provided in considerable detail and is easily accessed.
  • Dave thanked team captains for excellent write ups with anecdotes and nice photos (eyes open!)

Information Technology - Chris Slee - away

  • Please recognize that "Phishing" emails occur.   Recognize that RTC (as well as banks, brokerages, shopping sites, etc. cannot stop them); its another sign of the times.   We recently sent out a newsletter on the subject.
  • We've redesigned the website home page to make it easier to log in.   Use "forgot your username" and "forgot your password" to retrieve information you may have forgotten.
  • When signing up, you now have the option to choose a user-friendly username and user-friendly password to make remembering them easier.
  • Each user must have a unique email address.    We do not share emails between users; its a security risk.
  • Contact Chris, Les, or other board members if you are having login problems

Old Business

  • How will members receive the 2019 RTC Membership Directory?   Our choices are: 
    • Membership Directory BOOKLET --- printed and mailed by the club to each RTC member's home
    • Membership Directory LISTING/S --- printed by each individual RTC member from file/s provided online
    • Membership Directory INFORMATION --- not printed but accessible online as needed
  • Without much discussion or dissent it was decided that a 2019 RTC Membership Directory booklet will be mailed to each RTC member' home.

New Business

  • Results of nominating committee search --- introductions of proposed nominees
  • Bernie introduced three new nominees for 2019 Board:  Joyce Decker, Ken Steiner, and Terry Quinlan.   Absent any outside nominations the three were approved by acclamation
  • Bernie thanked all the members of this year's board for a great job.
  • A Trunk Show announcement was made by Gery Yearout
  • Sherry Endicott raised the issue of (grandfathered-in) non-Rossmoor-resident members and their use of the facilities.
  • Barbara Blum questioned a resident having 3 non-resident friends using a court when there are groups of residents waiting to play.
  • Reminder --- GRF rules make clear that courts are available to ANY Rossmoor resident.   A single Rossmoor resident (not necessarily an RTC member) may sign up for a court by being present with at least one other player at the time of play.    Courts may only be 'reserved' for officially-scheduled RTC events.
  • After considerable discussion, it was decided that these two issues will be addressed further by the board at their regularly scheduled December meeting.

Next Meeting - December 17, 2018 - Creekside, Bunker Room

Location Fairway Room

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16 Dec 2024
01:30PM - 03:00PM
Monthly RTC Board Meeting